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    Aquatic planted fish tank?

    Is it possible to grow on an aquarium which have fishes and aquatic plants inside it. With adding nutrients for aquatic plants. And with Mh bulbs. What do you think? Think the tank like that photo.
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    Average distance between light and plant tops, and lumen thing

    Average distance between light and plant tops *Fluorescent-T5HO- any wattage - 3cm to 10cm /*HPS 400w - 30cm to 40cm /*HPS 600w - 50cm to 60cm /*HPS 1000w - 70cm to 80cm
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    Reflector from heater

    i modified broken heater for this reflector, as you see, i put 2 fans, there is a 400 watt hps bulb inside that, it works good for now