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  1. BTG1028

    Little Cheese Autoflower

    Anyone grown a Little Cheese Autoflower? Ended up with seeds that had autoflower genes in them, kind of took me by surprise. Any information about the growing this strain, such as likes, dislikes, what to expect, would be very helpful! Here's some pictures Thanks!
  2. BTG1028

    400w HID 11 Plant Closet Grow

    Hey how's it going everyone, just got my first light setup today. So that means I can move my plants from the rainy, cold weather that's just starting up here in San Diego County. And since it's my first indoor and just moved them, I thought I should start a new grow journal. Here's a run-down...
  3. BTG1028

    Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!

    Looking to add some intense color and flavor to your bud? Here's how! About 3 weeks from your harvest, your going to start adding 10ml of Welch's 100% Juice to 1 GAL of water every other watering. (They have 18 different flavors or something like that so you have a lot of options depending on...
  4. BTG1028

    First Grow, Outdoors, Indoor Night setup for cold weather

    So here's my ghetto indoor set up for my plants to come in at night for some extra light and warmth. This is my first grow and I've probably spent under $25 so far and I've just started flowering on my first 5 plants. (I do intend on buying some guano, worm castings and such to make a tea to...
  5. BTG1028

    Guano Tea throughout flowering?

    I'm going to buy this pack that comes with like 6 different guanos since it will be great to make teas specific for the veg and flowering stage. Question is; Is a guano tea with molasses, guano, worm castings, and kelp extract enough feed my outdoor plant throughout the flowering process? Which...
  6. BTG1028

    Outdoor Flowering for 40 day old plants

    I have 5 plants that are 40 days old and it will be 6 weeks on Saturday. My question is how will the plants flowering process be triggered if it's already on a 12-12 outdoor light schedule? Will it start flowering as soon as it can? Here are some pics
  7. BTG1028

    Boron deficiency....avocado in soil???

    My plant has what I think is a boron deficiency, yellow and grayish leaves, so if I give it avocadl would that help? Avocado has a good amount of boron
  8. BTG1028

    My First Ever Grow

    This is my first ever grow, didn't know much about growing before I started but definitely had the smoking part down lol. So I pretty much went into this not knowing anything, just the basic process of growing a plant in general. Some dirt, some water, and some sun. About a week after planting...