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  1. S

    9 week flower bag seed grow

    Ive been flowering for 9 weeks and the plant is just over all small!! dont know if i should just chop or not...any advice would help. i dont have a ph meter and i use city tap but i mean theres buds on the plant just not big ones haha 12/12 cfl and led used
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    I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends

    i was wondering, i got one good seed growing as of while cleaning i found like 15 seeds from a oz of reggie (sticks and twigs) i was wondering...if the good seed fails. is there a chance these seeds can turn into something good. or will they just bring me reggie?? is reggie just a...
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    Stonepwny here, just want to say whats up. long time reader 1st time speaker...looking for some coaching on a small closet job ;) check it out. thanks alot
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    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    Dank ass bud!! F the dude that taxed me on the oz as well hahaha hope its the same stuff. any input? pretty sure its og master kush. i and seeding under 13watt cfl until payday. hope its a female