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  1. H

    New Computer Art

    I made it on the computer using paint, photoshop and weed smoke
  2. H

    Sexing Question (PICZ)

    Hey just want to double check with the experts here: Pic 1 I believe to be male Pic 2 I believe to be female Let me know what ya'll think
  3. H

    What happens if you don't add nutes to soil?

    I just started 12/12 after about 4 weeks of veg. Plants seem to be thriving in mix of topsoil, perlite and peat moss. Haven't added any nutes yet... what can I expect if I don't ever add any?
  4. H

    Leaves on a scrape

    i got a scrape im wondering if some leaves on it would help? any advice?
  5. H

    Blue-ish tinted Plastic cover on reflector

    Is this like the cover that protects from scratches on cell phone screens? You know the thing you are supposed to remove when you buy it? Or is it something to enhance the blue spectrum for vegging? Should I remove this or keep it on for the rest of vegging? My plants seem to be doing ok...