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  1. romano

    LED 'chrismas' tree ?

    Can LEDS be used same way as xmas lights? Including the more powerful ones ?
  2. romano

    Legal bud Revolution

    Picture in the near future- Smokers on thier smoke break ,all smoking legal bud . 10 legal joints floating around ... 1 real joint in the mix!!!!Whos to know .. the piss test, I know but what Im getting at is like the dude in Canada ..Emery, says overgrow the U.S. Its something TO DO rather...
  3. romano

    WINDOW AC-Vent to bedroom or attic?

    I have the option of venting my AC window unit out into bedroom side of growroom or out into attic. The attic gets very hot of course and the bedroom gets hot but not as much.Im thinking 120'degrees(attic) versus 90'(bedroom)at peak of day. Is it ok to vent into such high heat?Will it be cooler...
  4. romano

    ez nute '?'- signs of underfeeding

    Im wondering what are the first signs of underfeeding. I think my plants are overfeed(dark green & curling over).They seem to react nice to just plain 'ph20'.