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  1. D.B.Doober

    I'm back, peoples!

    got my password stuff worked out. Haven't been in here since November. Not sure what I've missed. Hope everyone is doing well.
  2. D.B.Doober

    I'm extremely sexually frustrated!!!!

    I can't have sex because I'm waiting for my partner (we had a really bad falling out/break up, and I had some issues to deal with) and we're probably not going to have sex for like 6-12 months....what the fuck am I supposed to do?????????? I'm SICK of masturbating!! I got off my sleeping pills...
  3. D.B.Doober


    I beat Seroquel!!!! I was taking it for sleep for 6 months. Doctor was an idiot and either didn't know I had a history of substance abuse or just didn't care, had me on 200mg a night! Was sleeping like 12 hours a night. Anyway, getting my shit together. Sold my grow light, Moroccon store guy...
  4. D.B.Doober

    bad news

    everything in my life is absolutely incredible...I have the most beautiful woman in the world behind me and a beautiful daughter and nobody knows it but the prosecutor from the county I live in is still going ahead with charges against me...when I was in court the case was dismissed but then the...
  5. D.B.Doober

    the annoying roommate thread

    getting so sick of it...I'm moving but not because of her...but I'm telling you, it sucks...she stomps on the stairs, slams her door constantly...and I feel really bad but I guess she's like belemic...that shit is messed up because you'll end up burning a hole in your esophegus. IDK, she kind of...
  6. D.B.Doober

    I have had the best week ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Past two days have been incredibly difficult but on the plus side I was standing in line at a convenience store while out looking for weed. I start shooting the shit with this chick, and was like "yeah I can't find bud ANYWHERE!" and she was like "I got some diesel." So I bought a dub and got...
  7. D.B.Doober

    my ex sent me a phising email and I opened it

  8. D.B.Doober


  9. D.B.Doober

    i am officially out of weed

    I have no money for like 12 days and no weed whatsoever, smoked my last bowl last night. Not sure what to do. Looking for resin and fallen bud remains
  10. D.B.Doober

    does anyone know anything about phone hacking/location spying????

  11. D.B.Doober

    ran out of weed - chop early?

    might take a little off...things probably have like 4 weeks left but...
  12. D.B.Doober

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    Can't find a "what are you watching now" thread, and I seriously searched. Just about to smoke a quick bowl and watch "Season of the Witch" on looks pretty cool. Nicholas Cage. bongsmilie
  13. D.B.Doober

    Diesel Smoke Outs! I'm FASCINATED!

    it's such a shitty thing to do, and it's horrible for the environment but it's so damn addictive to watch!! the cyclists are all into their workout and sucking in oxygen and then all of a sudden..
  14. D.B.Doober

    Watch Judge Hand Down Life Sentence - Messed UP!

    Smoke a bowl then watch this with your headphones on or the volume up...the way the judge hands down the sentence is SO unemotional and robotic it makes me sick. Then all Hell breaks loose and everybody is screaming. SCARY shit though man...that's like my worst fear in the world. Make sure you...
  15. D.B.Doober

    How do I embed videos??

    like I'll try this - <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> and it just shows the code
  16. D.B.Doober

    Molasses made everything stink like cheese

    in soil, used 1/2tbsp per half gallon of water, did this twice...the stanky funk that it creates is horrid. I just flushed with water, probably take another flush to get it all out. I don't understand, everyone raves about molasses.
  17. D.B.Doober

    Refugee here form another site

    the site is so horrible it shall remain nameless. Had like 4,000 posts, was there over 2 years. Looking for a better site, with less trolling and easier-going people. Trying to figure out how to add pictures to my album here, not sure how to get my grow shots in here. :joint: