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  1. R

    Harvested bud with some spider mites what should i do?

    with a smaller portion of the batch i put in in a large tupperware bin and put it in the freezer for a few hours with some silicone moisture pack things i had... im a noob but thought it sounded like a good idea to not really hurt the weed by not really freezing it but lowering the temperature...
  2. R

    Should I harvest right now or wait a little longer? suggestions? (NOOB)

    my first real grow, i have three plants but i harvested one already because it looked like it was getting worse too fast. I over-nuted, over-watered to try to get rid of the nutes, then i found out my soil was acidic at 5.0 so i kinda flushed them, and used a small amount of ph up in the water...
  3. R

    Please tell me what it wrong with my plants (dark brown spots taking over leaves)

    If researched symptoms and different deficiencies and problems but have not been able to figure out the problem, this plant is outside and i feed it with two part general hydroponics formula... looks like it might be a defiency of some sort but i have another plant next to it that is the same...