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  1. beanhead420

    flushing week!

    hi peeps, bit of a newbie question, can you still feed nutes the week you flush or is it better to just use straight ph water? :wall:
  2. beanhead420

    Afghan Ku$h Ryder flush time!

    just a quick update, feeding tomorrow with last bit of nutes then its flush flush for my dank girlies! any tips on trichomes and when is best to harvest would be much appreciated, im going down the 2 days of darkness route too!:weed:
  3. beanhead420

    Afghan kush ryder 2 week til harvest!

    Hi everyone, nearly there now with my (first) PC grow with world of seeds afghan kush ryder..... cant wait to taste it, the aroma is driving me crazy its so dank and exotic. any tips on flushing would be much appreciated. PEACE:leaf:FAITH:leaf:
  4. beanhead420

    VERTIGO (paradise seeds)

    Hi all, Was wondering has anybody experienced VERTIGO and no im not talking about dizziness or spinning, and we can also exclude the 1958 pyscological thriller by Hitchcock. Im talking about the strain from paradise seeds which is a autoflowering strain. Any info would be mucho appreciated...
  5. beanhead420

    Afghan KUSH Ryder (auto) pc grow case 125 watt cfl red (soil)

    Hi guys and girls, Just a quick update on my pc grow, well its being just over two weeks now from germination to the level they are at in the photos. Everything seems to be doing ok! just started giving my little babies some light nutes as of today (house&garden cocos a&b) went with half of...