Search results

  1. F

    Looking for a couple of patients

    I'm looking for a couple more drama-free patients with legit RI cards who need regular access to organic meds in flower, oil, edible and bubble form. PM me for more info.
  2. F

    $440 ounces @ Slater

    When we took the tour, it was flat out stated that they weren't going to be selling $400 ounces. Guess what? Quarters going from $90 to $110 @ Slater. And I'm guessing the extra $$$ isn't going into the pocket of the growers. :( Caveat emptor. On the up side, I'm sure it will make current...
  3. F

    Slater opening day: Friday April 19

    Woot! You know those guys are partying hard to celebrate tonight... they've done a ton of work, and it's a beautiful building setup.
  4. F

    Using canned butter

    The biggest issue I've had with making cannabutter in the past has been dealing with all the milk solids. Then I discovered canned butter. It's basically ghee (all solids removed), and cooks up sooooo much cleaner than regular sticks. If you've been having issues washing your butter after...
  5. F

    DOH shuts down 11th State Summary: DOH says 11th state must be registered as a "health care facility" (which I assume requires a whole bunch of insurance/bonding and a permit from the state). Shut down until they are in...
  6. F

    Dispensaries Jan 1

    See third item down: It will be interesting to see what the differences are among the three. It's also kind of cool that they're limited to 99 plants -- that should ensure a solid market...
  7. F

    ACLU suing DOH over nurse practitioner issue

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  8. F

    No more nurse practitioners, 11th state is good people

    I got a rejection letter for my mmj app today because the person who had signed it at 11th State was a nurse practitioner instead of a licensed physician. I immediately called 11th State and they said yeah, the Dept. of Health changed the rules Aug 7 (3 weeks after my app went in). They...
  9. F

    Dispensaries now slated for 2013

    Apparently we're not going to get anything until after the new year. I'd really hoped for September. :wall: