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  1. newbie9

    24hrs dark help

    Like i have it set for 12 on in theday and 12 at night. The temps inthe day keep my box mid eightys and with lights on during the night i had 70s. So my question is can i just shut the box off up untill night time one day and have it switched would this cause MAJOR stress or would it recover...
  2. newbie9

    Fertilizing everyday..Can work. With amazing results.

    To a point with knoledge of your medium and size of container.i fert every day full strength. The key is drainage i use a FoxFarm mixture nd every day there dry but not wilting. Foxfarm to me (happy frog, ocean forest blend) has amazing drainage and ill water once in the morning with fert then...
  3. newbie9

    Seed Viability.

    What is the oldest seed you have germinated. I found a couple seeds from 4 years ago and wanna see what happens. If any germinate ill be happy. But really has anyone ever germinated a seed older then 2years. Im curious to see what may happen. Ive read they can last up to 10 years if kept in...
  4. newbie9

    What are you thankful for this year.

    Its thanksgiving. Well will be in a couple hours. Im thankful that we even have this opportunity to share our experiences on this forum and i am thankful that people take the time out of there day to atleast offer there opiniion. Im thankful we live in a country where we even have the...
  5. newbie9


    If you havent seen already he is trying to sell stolen bank and credit card information. His post is now unreachable but it basicly lists a bunch of credit cards, pay pal prices, and all that shit. He wants you to transfer him money and in return he will "give" you stolen credit information...
  6. newbie9

    Any advice on self pollination?

    Ok so im no beginner when it comes to growing but breeding is where i fail for the most part. BUT i had a single FEMINIZED White Widow/Big Bud and upon harvesting i noticed some of the Calyxes on a brach to be gigantic compared to the other i broke it down thinking i hit paydirt of resin but i...
  7. newbie9

    Prayers for those in line of impact

    Lets all pray for the east coast. This is going to be potentially a major disaster. So many lives will be affected. Lives may be lost. I for one will ride this storm out. I am a little to the north west inland and hope it doesnt hit to hard here . Those on the east coastline i just dont know. I...
  8. newbie9

    How long.. Snow and Hurricane on its way.

    9 weeks or so into flowering. If not more. Hairs are starting to turn on the tops of all the buds. I can see no clear trichs, all milky under a 60x-100x mostly 60x cause its easier to see many. But. 1 or 2 amber in all. The forcast predicts snow/rain/sleet. Then hurricane sandy is gonna play...
  9. newbie9

    Whats your favorite strain to grow outdoors.

    Hey guys the seasons over for most and coming to end for others. I wanna know what everyones favorite strains to grow out doors. There are hundreds of them and thousands of us so im sure some people have a favorite if not all. From the newbs to the most Die Hard. This thread is to discuss your...
  10. newbie9

    When to start counting weeks?

    Please, if i'm wrong tell me. My 8 weeks is 8 weeks from the day i came and saw the first flower being barley formed. Your eight weeks may be different. If they are how do you count your weeks? Im not trying to contest methods or prove wrong its just not like that. I am just curious to see...