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  1. T

    Has anyone gone to speak to a lawyer before starting a grow?

    I am wondering if anyone has gone to speak to a lawyer before starting your grow operation? I am just wondering because I am in North Carolina and this state has asset forfeiture for drug convictions. If you did go to a lawyer, how did you find one that you can trust? Thanks for the help.
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    Digital Power Meter

    I am thinking about building a decent size grow operation in my metal workshop that is on its own energy account separate from the house. I am just wondering about digital power meters. Is the power company able to monitor my usage in real time or is it just the same as the old meter with some...
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    Hiding heat signature grow room in garage

    I have a metal building insulated in spray foam. I am building a grow room in that garage that will be insulated. I recently found that they do heat signature fly by's in my county. I am going to be running 2x1000 watt light with AC, and other stuff. How do I hide the heat signature from getting...
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    North Carolina

    To grow in summers and winters in north carolina, am I going to have to have some kind of heat pump to keep the area within a certain temperature range?
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    Anyone know a trusted North Carolina Attorney?

    I am looking to get in to growing, but I want to do it wisely. I want to speak to an attorney before I get started to know what I can do to protect myself from the law. Also, if I were to get caught, how I could minimize my losses. If you are in north carolina and know someone then please let me...
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    Getting setup for indoor growing

    So, I know nothing about growing indoors but my brother says this is the place to learn. I have a detached garage that is 25'w x 50' l so I have plenty of room to work with. It does not have central air or heat. I would probably build little rooms or set up a tent. I have tons of questions but I...
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    Interested in growing outdoors

    I am new to growing and interested in growing outdoors. What books do you recommend I read for some education on growing? Also, I need to buy some seeds. Where do you recommend I buy my seeds and also what precautions do you recommend that I take buying them? Thanks for the advice.
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    Interested in growing outdoors

    I am new to growing and interested in growing outdoors. What books do you recommend I read for some education on growing? Also, I need to buy some seeds. Where do you recommend I buy my seeds and also what precautions do you recommend that I take buying them? Thanks for the advice.