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  1. F

    drying/curing question (first time grow)

    i harvested my crop 24 hours ago and it says to hang it up for like 3 days to a week or until the outside is crispy before curing. well its only been 24 hours and its crispy on the outside and the stem just bends and does not break. should i start curing or wait a few more days. thanks in advance.
  2. F

    Ready to harvest?

    I am a first time grower and need a little help here. I think it has a few days to a week left before i should chop her down. I have been looking on here and all over the internet about best time to harvest and i believe i am right but please let me know. Sorry the pics are a little blurry. And...
  3. F

    Pest Problems

    This is my first outdoor grow and im trying to stay as organic as possible. I went fishing and put the left over fish guts in with my plants. Now I got all kinds of flies and bees flying around my plants!!! What can i use to control this or with the flies not hurt my babies?