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  1. cannibal4

    looking for pictures of male plant.

    I have a small grow of auto flowers, short rider. all the plants flowered and started to bud. Now one plant has buds that look like little seed pouches. The others look line normal buds. Did this plant morphodite? I thinks that's the right word. Would llike to see a pic of a male plant budding...
  2. cannibal4

    Need some help

    This will be my second grow but I dont know whats wrong with the plants. Medium= Roots Organic, Indoor grow, Nuets= bat guano 1/4 tsp per gallon, no regular watering schedule, if soil is dry 1 - 2" down I water. Each plant gets about 1/2 gallon. 18/6 600w mh
  3. cannibal4

    Lowering pH

    Would it hurt the plant or seed to use Lemon Juice to lower the water pH. Medium im using is Organic Root. I ask because I planted 5 seeds to germinate (femanized seeds) and none germinated after 10 day's. The water I use is at about 7.1 pH and a friend told me for germinating use water at...