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  1. Aztros


    Ok so to make a long story short, my house burned down. Not completely, but enough to make the place unlivable. The fire wasn't started by me, but faulty wiring in the bathroom fan. Of course, when the firefighters went in to fight the fire, they found my 12 plants in the closet unharmed...
  2. Aztros

    Soil problem... Input appreciated.

    My plants are yellowing a bit and it seems to be getting worse. I'm mixing nutrients accordingly in water. I'm following everything to a T only I'm not getting the results I got with Hydro. Leaves are yellowing and looks like I'm burning them. I've turned to just watering them with pH...
  3. Aztros

    Temporary switch to soil...

    Hey guys... Due to reasons that don't need explaining, I'm temporarily switching from hydroponics to soil for my next grow. Now I've always heard that with soil things simply take longer. I've been trying to figure out what this means. I mean is it that the plant takes longer to mature in...
  4. Aztros

    Ice by Nirvana Seed Co.

    Ok so a while back I bought some Ice from Nirvana. I've had a couple harvests with it and notice that every time I grow it, it never seems to fill out like the rest of my plants do. I get nice dense quality buds that almost resemble nesting qualities if that makes any sense. They're like...
  5. Aztros

    The art of being irresponsible

    So I went to change out the reservoir tonight for week 5 and noticed it was extremely low. Apparently both my partner and I thought the other had changed it last week thus it was never changed. Is there any reason to think I might have harmed my plants in any way? Or even just screwed overall...
  6. Aztros

    Mold question...

    Alright so I'm 4 days away from harvest and saw a white fuzzy patch on a few of my top colas. I cleared it out and sure enough it was mold. Like I said, I'm 4 days away in the middle of a flush. I just put a fan directly over the bitches and pulled out what I could of the mold. Should I just...
  7. Aztros

    The Classics You Love

    I understand that different breeders come out with their version of the classics. I've learned through my time of growing though that nothing beats the seeds that pioneered the strains we have come to love. If anyone can help with wear to find these little gems amongst the hybrids that are...
  8. Aztros

    Who Produces the Best White Widow and or White Russian Strain Available?

    I need somewhere that ships to the US discretely. There are many different breeders who have their own version of these guys. I just wanna make sure I get one that blows my mind. Maybe even just mention breeders you guys know and trust for a great product.
  9. Aztros

    Aqua Globes?! Good or Bad Idea?

    Alright, so I grow hydroponically and I wanna try my luck with a little soil project on the side. Now given that my nutrients are on a week - week feeding schedule I was wondering if anyone out in RIU world has ever tried these Aqua Globe things. You stick them in your soil and it only feeds...
  10. Aztros

    What have I just done?!

    I have two tents, one veg and one flower... My flowering tent is 3 1/2 weeks into flowering. Last night before bed, I went in to check on my babies. I came home for lunch today and found that the zipper on one side was open. Last night I completely forgot to close up shop. It wasn't a lot...
  11. Aztros

    Tray cleaning methodology

    I'm tired of cleaning my fucking trays... I have a pretty proven method with a little soap and my pressure washer, but it's a bitch hauling around the four 4x4 trays I have. Anyone else have any ideas for easy quick ways to clean your trays. I know there are a lot of smart improvising people...
  12. Aztros

    Power Outage

    Hey guys, I came home to my power being off out tonight. It came back on 30 min after I got home. When I went to reset my timers I saw that I lost 3 hours. I have plants in flower, veg, and clone stage. Is this going to hurt my plants. Also, what is the maximum time you can deal with your...
  13. Aztros

    Too much foliage... Trimming Question

    Hey guys... I have 36 plants in a 4x4 area and they are kinda growing into each other. Is it ok to cut off fan leaves? I just want to expose as many bud sites as possible. Is there a way to go about this? I won't use the paperclip or tucking method. There's just too much to work with and it...
  14. Aztros

    Trimming Question.

    I'm sending 36 lovely ladies into flowering. If I cut the bottom 1/3 off of the plants, do I do that right when I put them into flowering, or do I wait for them to get used to the environment then do it a week later? Let me know, thanks.
  15. Aztros

    What would you do?

    I have a 4x4 tray with a 1000W HPS and a 35 gallon reservoir doing flood and drain hydroponics. I've tried various ways... 20 plants with bottom 1/3 cut off creating a canopy of green, 40 single stem lollypop, and now I'm about to try 30 doing kind of a combination of both. Like take bottom...
  16. Aztros

    Why does this always happen?

    Every time I attempt to top or fim my plants they develop a 3 leaf pattern and don't start developing a proper leaf set until the plants are taller than I would like them to be when I flower them. Can anyone explain why this happens and any solutions as to how I can work around this?
  17. Aztros

    Super Cropping & Topping Question

    So I've dealt with a lot of bull shit every time I try to do any type of topping to my plant... I have some rooted clones that are about 6 - 9 inches tall. My question is when would it be appropriate for me to supercrop or top the strand that grows taller than the other? I want a more even...
  18. Aztros

    Seeds Question

    If you intentionally turn your plant into a hermaphrodite, the seeds that said plant produces will all be female correct? Or can you get a seed that will automatically be a hermie? I'm just going off of simple logic, when you get bud and it has seeds I know you can grow those into female...
  19. Aztros

    Mold Question

    Second harvest under my new setup... Things went really well, but just like last time I think I may be running into a mold problem. It's not as bad at all as last time and now that they're almost dried hasn't spread that I know of. Last time I had whole buds that were rotted through. I...
  20. Aztros

    168 Hour blackout?

    Since I've started growing I've always been told to let my plants sit in complete darkness for roughly 7 days right before you cut everything down, so that's what I've done. I no longer have the means to really do this now that my grow has changed. I've been told that the darkness actually...