Search results

  1. P

    Growing in the Swamp

    I am wondering what are some different ways to grow right in a Swamp. I have built little platforms in the past and grew out of 5 gallon buckets. There was a lot of thrashing through the muck to feed them. I have herd of filling half a bucket with large gravel and drilling holes in the bottom...
  2. P

    under current how many is to many?

    I am wondering at what number do I stop building one system and move to 2 smaller ones. I am considering a 12 bucket undercurrent system 6 strains. As I put more strains in a system there is less custom feed scheduling and a lot more risk if one gets sick. so I am wondering if it is wiser to go...
  3. P

    co2 though water on a DWC/RDWC

    Just wondering if there has been any documented testing done where co2 is provided though the water in a RDWC/DWC system. This would make monitoring a DIY co2 method a lot easier if the results are any good.