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  1. E

    Bomb Seeds Ice Bomb 600w RDWC

    4 Pot RDWC system with a controle bucket outside the tent.. 120x120x200 cm tent raised so the bucket are outside the tent so the nutrient temp is low but the tent temp is "high'ish" (Works great) 600w GIB Extreme HPS bulb 600w GIB Digital ballast SCROG screen made of fence with 4x4" holes and a...
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    Best Cash Crop Strain for NFT

    Hello.. My friend asked me for some advice.. But im not sure what to say to him... He just bought the GHE Aeroflo 80 system and 9 lamps and looking for the "Perfect" strain go grow.. No veg time just directly from clone to flower.. So best cash crop strain.. It has to have the 3 main...
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    Bomb Seeds THC Bomb 600w RDWC

    Comments are welcome Again a journal from me half past done.. Today is day 35 of 12/12 dont know how long they have been flowering i took forever to flower.. I suspect light leaks... Oh well setup : 4 Pot RDWC system with a controle bucket outside the tent.. 120x120x200 cm tent raised so the...
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    Bomb Seeds - Ice bomb 600w RDWC setup

    Hi again.. A new journal from me.. This time i think im going to have a journal all the way from seed to harvest. I've been growing THC bomb from bomb seeds also with great success.. So wanted to try something else as a side project.. Because the thc bomb is still gonna be grown with me :D...
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    Harvest soon i hope :D

    What do you guys think? Im almost in 9 weeks from 12/12 flip. Flushing them from today after 10 days of Ripen from GHE lots of milky trichs but no amber and not so many clear..
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    Take a look.. Dont know what to think..

    Everything should be spot on... Tap water is 0.35 and EC of the water with nutes are 2.3 @ 0.5
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    Dinafem Critical+ 1200w RDWC

    Better late than never right? Hello.. Ive been very busy and didn't have any time for making a log but i think it deserves one.. Tent : No name 240*120*200 RDWC - 8 Pot setup (9 pot with the control bucket) Lights : 2x GIB Electronic ballast 600w - 2x GIB Extreme output 600w HPS Nutes : GHE...
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    Nute burn?

    Hey.. A quick one for you.. only 2 plants out of 8 shows these signs.. They are all in a RDWC so same nutes / Ph ect. for every plant.. 5 weeks since i flipped to 12/12 PH 6'ish +/- EC 2.4 @ 0.5 And a Pic of the entire family ;)
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    Should i be worried? *Pic*

    Should i be worried about the one shot that has pale leaves??
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    I got ROT :(

    Hey RIU ... So its my turn with the ROT in my DWC ... Smelled kinda funny yesterday after changing the water in my system but plants looks fine.. The smell became more powerful today and i took a look at the roots.. a BOY does that smell BAD!!! OMFG goes right to the stomach.. Water was very...
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    PH issues!

    Hello RIU :) Ive got this issue for a while now and its making me crazy.. My PH keeps on dropping down to under 5.. I can adjust my rez 2 times a day if not 3... My plants are really healthy not even a yellow leaf.. Roots looks healthy aswell.. I dont have any issues what so ever with the...
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    Soil grow!

    Hey RIU ! Need some help again!! I currently growing RDWC as my first grow.. And i got Heat issues as its getting around summer here were i live.. So now im going to try soil grow for the summer period and then back to Hydro in fall.. I read people transplant the plants severel times doing...
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    Cleaning buckets during grow?

    Hello.. My first DWC grow.. Im 40 days into 12/12 .. Suddenly it struck me.. I change rez every aprox. 8 days.. But i never clean them.. Do you have to clean your buckets? Or will i be fine without? I can even start to imagine what a PITA i would be for me to clean my bucket since im running a...
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    Do i have small buds?

    Hi all.. Im at day 36 of 12/12 and aprox 92 days from seed.. I got four THC Bomb in a RDWC system with a scrog! I use a Phillips 600w greenpower bulb and a digital ballast.. I have a carbon exhaust and active intake in my 120x120x200 tent.. Temps are good.. Not had many issues with them.. Use...
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    Do i got issues?

    Hello RIU! :D I noticed this pale spots and the end of the top leaves on the tops.. Its only on the ones close to the light.. Heat burn or something else? Difficiency? My EC is 2.22 at 0.5 conversion.. So tap water aside the PPM is 800 im planning on getting that up as i enter 5th week soon..
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    How to figure out AN's Product lineup?

    Hello fellow growers.. Im looking at AN's Website... And omg they sell alot of different things.. What should one be using of all those things? I dont believe you buy the entire program?
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    My mutant cutling ;)

    Please welcome my mutant cutling.. The plant it was taken from was also a mutant (From seed) With 3 braches per node (some places - not the hole plant) .. But hold on... wait for it.. This one got 5 (FIVE) braches at the node nearest the top.. Insane.. Looking forward to play with this one...
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    Change nutes + Stretch question

    Hello... Im currently at my first grow.. 23 days into 12/12 .. I have 4 plants.. Why is it that the one on the back left is stretching much more than the other ones? Is there a rule of thumb for how long it will stretch? I also have another question.. Im currently using Cellmax nutes but...
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    Tell if this looks okay?

    Hi RIU ! First grow so kinda all over the place and excited.. Tell me if this looks like it should.. They are 10 days into 12/12 - When can i expect bud production? Cleared the undergrowth some days ago.. Does that look okay aswell? Had some problems with the plant on the lower right.. I...
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    Scrog how long do you train?

    Hey.. Im this far with my scrog.. How long do i keep training them? Im 6 days into bloom now.. Thanks..