Search results

  1. toronjadeoro

    African Sativas Vs. Asian Sativas

    I've read quite a bit about what people and seed companies have to say about the effects of Malawi and Thai sativas, and I know there has to be a lot of variation among strains even within the two enormous continents. For example, strains from south, north or central Africa must have their...
  2. toronjadeoro

    Very Specific Sativa Recommendation

    I can't possibly count the hours I've combed through posts with a similar title as this one, so hopefully it will be a challenge rather than a redundancy for everyone out there. I just harvested for the first time ever: Shaman from Dutch Passion. It’s been around since the 80’s...
  3. toronjadeoro

    This neophyte's thoughts on Shaman after his first grow

    I know I'm not the first here to share his excitement about the results his first grow, but holy crap! In the decades I've smoked and wasted money on a overpriced pot, I don't think I'd EVER smoked a sativa before in my life until I grew one. It makes sense, I guess, since anybody with profit...
  4. toronjadeoro

    Already flowering from seed in 1 month--whoops--so I can't take clones?

    Hello Elders, I followed the advice given of reading the Cervantes book before I started my very first grow. Even read relevant chapters of the Riley book and, of course, have been soaking in endless knowledge from all the posts here at the forum. I knew there would be mistakes I'd make, but...
  5. toronjadeoro

    Balcony Growing: Can I/should I control vegetative growth by trimming?

    Hello and thanks for all of the information I've learned from these forums prior to registering just now. I'm waiting for seeds to arrive and I want to feel as prepared as possible for whatever problems might present themselves in this plan for my 1st grow. Here are my questions which I have...