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  1. jointluver


    To begin I was watching MSNBC about cannabis and they found a grower with 11 plants, the law enforcement said that it is equal to 11lbs of marijuana and worth over $65,000 or something stupid shit like that. The reason this pissed me off is because there is a war on drugs (marijuana) as you all...
  2. jointluver


    Hey bro's and broskies, it's been a very long time... I still know a lot if you want to ask, just pm but that's not why this thread was made. Does anyone know any strains that are pure indica (grow short) and have good yield too, I have been looking at the auto dwarfs but yield isn't too...
  3. jointluver

    For everyone with Seeds!

    Hey everyone, Jointluver here again trying to help out the community. I havent been here for a while and i was just looking at all the nice plants out there =). I have this picture I found that can help people save TONS of time from what ive heard. Here it is. Reap the benefits. -Jointluver...
  4. jointluver

    Back..Maybe aerogarden

    Hey everyone ive been off for a long time so bear in with me. Since ive grow before with both parents seeing it and not caring (they don't know its weed) i want to start an Aerogarden grow, please read below I have a uople of questions 1. Can I switch the stock AG lights with strong ones? 2...
  5. jointluver

    Jointluver is back!!!

    Hey everyone, i took some time off this site and weed for no reason lol... but w.e. If you guys have any questions please pm me. Im off to sleep lol. night guys :sleep:
  6. jointluver we go again...

    Alright im thinking of doing aerogarden grow. I had a couple questions (ive been using Search button for the past 3 hours) 1. What is the best/biggest cfl's you can put in them? 2. What do you do when the roots get REALLY big? +rep for anyone :weed:
  7. jointluver

    For all the beginning growers! L@@K!

    Please for the love of god bring your lights closer! stop the stretching!!!:evil:
  8. jointluver

    The sweet smell

    Hey im growing 1 bagseed, it's been about a month and cant tell the sex The question- If the plant smells like weed does it mean it's a girl? :joint:
  9. jointluver

    omg.. not this shit..

    hey everyone, i have a plant about 1 month old strong and healthy. The problem is that after i turned off the lights today( after work0 it was kinda droopy. I didnt water for about 3 days and i think it's pretty hot in the grow cab. I just watered it, should i cool off the box?:leaf:
  10. jointluver

    Can you smoke out of...?

    Hey everyone, i have a sculpture making class at my school. We get to work with clay and i was just wondering can you smoke out of terracotta clay, its an orange like clay.
  11. jointluver

    BIg Problem, Need all help!

    Alright, i am growing under cfl and i have 1 plant about a week old. The two smooth leaves are good and there are 2 fan leaves. The problem is the fan leaves are kinda droopy. I think i over watered. I am using MG soil. The cup feels pretty heavy too. Any advice on what I should do? :-( :-( :-(
  12. jointluver

    Plants starting to strech

    the light are already close, but it keeps on stretching. any advice?
  13. jointluver

    Reflective Materials

    Hi, i cant find mylar anywhere near me, is there any other reflective material thats good? i heard tin foil sucks, it just reflects heat. and no.. white paint is not an option.. :leaf:
  14. jointluver

    Is this possible?

    I am on my second day of growing. Im going to do SCROG but i have 2 questions. 1. If the plant gets too big can i turn on flowering stage? 2. At what time should i pick clones if i want a mother plant? Please help. thanks :wall:
  15. jointluver

    Nutrient Problem, cant read..

    Alright i got some of this Scotts fertilizer, it says for plants in dirt, you should add about a teaspoon of it. Its a grainy material. Idk if i should do it when i transplant so that i can mix it with the dirt. :leaf:
  16. jointluver

    how far away

    How far should be a 23 watt CFL from my plant, i just planted it and there are no leaves. :leaf:
  17. jointluver

    omfg HELP@!!!@

    alright i have been germinating a seed for about 3 days now, i only have MG soil with timed nutrient release, but it's about 6 months old, any ideas, this seed needs soil!! :leaf:
  18. jointluver

    --1st full CFL grow--

    WELCOME February 4th, 2009- Hey everyone, this is my first official CFL grow. I put a couple of seeds (3) yesterday and they have been germinating. For me this is the hardest part because you cant really do much. :wall: sit back, roll a blunt and wait... i will be posting pictures up really...
  19. jointluver

    Easily changing yeild..

    So the amount of light can change yield huh?.. well what if I am using CFL's? Should the bulbs be vertical or horizontal? Feedback please. bongsmilie
  20. jointluver

    Best Kelvins for Veg?

    How many kelvins for veg, 4100k or 6100?:bigjoint: +rep for anyone