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  1. P

    Upgrading mobile version

    Hello RIU staff. First off, this is an amazing site you have here. I've learned so much in a short amount of time. I do 99% of all my research here. The bad thing is I don't have a computer so I have to use my phone for all of this. With the mobile version you can't do tons of stuff you can on...
  2. P

    Help cutting through metal pc case.

    Hey guys, I have the average cfl setup: power strip with outlet to socket adapters. Growing in a pc case. I have it rigged with duct tape holding the power strip to the inside of the case. I want to cut 4 circular holes in the side so the power strip will be on the outside but the adapters an...
  3. P

    Help with pc fans

    Hey guys. I have all 3 of my fans running on 1 9v adapter. I found a 22v and a 15v adapter. Since the fans are 12v, could I wire 2 or all three fans to the 22v since it would be splitting the power?
  4. P

    Electrical questions. (fans)

    Hey guys. I have all 3 of my pc fans running off of 1 9v adapter. I found a 15v and a 22v adapter. Could I run either of these if I ran 2 fans to one of them? Would it fry them since the adapter is splitting its power? Thanks in advance everyone!
  5. P

    Hermie question?

    Hypothetically, if you had a hermie growing could you just trim off the male parts and still get good bud?
  6. P


    I picked up a bag of some stuff I've never heard of before called Wildfire. He said that was its name because of the many orange hairs. Its true! At least 40% of the buds were all orange hairs with a very visible coating of trichomes all over the buds. This is my new favorite bud. Completely...
  7. P

    LST in DWC?

    Hey I was just thinking. I might have a bigger place to grow soon so I was going to try a DWC grow. Can you LST in a DWC setup as long as you have something to tie too? I don't plan on doing it or anything, I was just curious as to if anyone has done it?
  8. P

    Electric bill question?

    Hello fellow growers. I was thinking about switching from CFL to HID sometime in the future. How much should I expect the electric bill to go up during 24/0 with a 150-250w MH or HPS?
  9. P

    PC Case temp problems

    Hey guys, I have recently built a pc grow box and have my seedling in it now. But when I put the side panel on the temps get up to 105F sometimes! I have 2 exhaust fans at the top and 1 intake fan towards the middle(see pics). They are only running on a 9v adapter right now. Would switching to a...
  10. P

    How to be a polite stoner

    This is not all my doing, I have copied and pasted some of it and some are mine. Enjoy! Stoner Etiquette 1. He who rolls the blunt/joint gets to spark it and take the first two puffs. 2. Whoever packs the bowl, regardless of who's bud it is...
  11. P

    Show off your favorite glass!

    I know there is a glass forum, but it seems like its more for making glass pieces. So put up some pics of your favorite pieces! Here's one of my favorites of mine. No fancy perculator or diffuser or anything but all it takes is some ice cold water and ice cubes to make it smooth :)...
  12. P

    First grow. Calmag maybe?

    Hey guys just started my first grow a little while ago. Plant is 2 weeks from sprout. Medium is crappy MG organic because I can't find FF near me. I was thinking this was a calmag problem but would like some more experience input. Thanks in advance everyone...
  13. P

    Second set of leaves not unfolded yet

    Hey guys I was wondering if the second set of leaves should have folded out yet? Also the first set of leaves are kind of folding up, like making a trough, shouldn't they be flat? 10 days from sprout in MG organic. I know it sucks I've been trying to find FFHF. The tips are burnt from chlorine...
  14. P

    Flowering box questions?

    Hey guys I'm vegging my plants right now so I'm not too concerned with light leaking in but I have been looking around and trying to decide the best small, slightly stealthy grow box ideas. I saw a guy who made a pc grow box and i liked the design, except he put a sheet of plexiglass right under...
  15. P

    Good soil recipe?

    Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone knows a good soil recipe that would outdo MG Organic choice. The ingredients need to be available at your average home depot. I'm using MG now and I'm not too thrilled with it and I cant afford FF at the moment so I thought maybe I could make some killer soil...
  16. P

    Help with timer

    Hey guys I picked up this light timer for when I go into flowering but ive never worked with one so it's confusing me. Does anyone have any experience with this timer or can help?
  17. P

    My first grow

    Hey guys I've finally started my first grow. I have 4 23w 5000k cfl's and 4 20w 2700k cfl's. For grow medium I'm using MG Organic Choice. I wish I could afford FF products but I can't. I am at week 1 mark today. I made the mistake of using too small of containers and wrong soil at first. I've...
  18. P

    Metallic silver paint vs. white paint

    Hey guys, I'm going to be painting the inside of my grow box soon and I was going to buy some white paint tomorrow. But I have a good amount of metallic silver paint laying around. Do you think the metallic silver paint would world as good as the white? Maybe better?
  19. P

    Metallic silver paint vs white paint

    I'm going to be painting the inside of my grow box soon and I was going to paint it bright white. But I just found some metallic silver paint I had laying around. Do you guys think metallic silver paint would work as good or better than white paint?
  20. P

    Cotyledon's facing up?

    The small cotyledon leaves on my friends seedling keep pointing up into the air instead of laying flat. Could this be because they are stretching to reach the light?