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  1. smokeyloki

    Urgent help needed!! Last weeks of flowering & root rot dwc grow

    Plan was to switch over to plain water for the last week or two. I ended up getting stuck out of town for a few days and what I had thought was just coloring from the nutes the week before, now looks more like root rot. The plant even has a few leaves that are dead. As soon as I noticed this I...
  2. smokeyloki

    Need help figuring out when to start flushing - dwc bubbledust

    I lost the paper that had the date that I went to 12/12. To make it worse I also lost track of how many res changes I have done. This is my first dwc and I really do not want to ruin a good thing by messing up the harvest. The majority of the hairs are white and under the scope there are...
  3. smokeyloki

    What is the correct way to remove a male from a dwc?

    What is the right way to remove a male from a dwc setup? Since the roots tangle, I wasn't sure if it is ok to just cut the males roots at the bottom of the net pot and then just leave the remaining roots in the water? Otherwise I'm worried about messing with the roots of a healthly female.
  4. smokeyloki

    Hydro noob- looking for easy system to try

    Soil has been my friend so far but I'm thinking about trying a hydro grow. I'm new to the terms and probably looking up the wrong info. I saw a rubbermaid system that was pretty much just a container that had net pots and two of the air stones used in fish tanks. Obviously I'll need nutes, ph...
  5. smokeyloki

    I tried to save her....but I was too late : (

    My buddy had one nice plant that was finishing up BUT..... He was in a rush! First he was going to harvest and I said "Just let me take a piece and put it under the scope, she might need more time" I check it out and she needed another week or two (I'm a noob but that was my estimate)...
  6. smokeyloki

    Looking for three strains- what would you recommend?

    I have a couple of auto flowering strains, bubbledust, nl/big bud. I'd like to get myself a blueberry strain, kush, and haze. These are some strains I was tossing around: DNA Kushberry Sensi Seeds NL#5 Haze Arjans Haze #1 Also how about any of the strawberry strains?
  7. smokeyloki

    Rubbermaid grow- checklist and question on sealing?

    I'm going to be making myself two rubbermaid grow boxes. After tossing around idea after idea, I have decided that these will be small and should be good for my indoor needs. 4- 30 gallon bins 2- 4 bulb vanity lights (might use a 3 bulb and Y adapters) 2- 120mm high cfm pc fans for intake 2-...
  8. smokeyloki

    Humidity-1 Me-0

    I just cannot seem to get the humidity up in my tent. I've tried a pan of water right in front of my intake fan, cups of water, wet towel. The temp/humidity meter keeps showing below 40. Anyone have any easy ways that I can raise it up?
  9. smokeyloki

    Making a reflector- what materials to use?

    Currently I have one 6 socket vanity light setup with some y adapters hanging in my grow area. I'm going to attach two of these vanity lights to some pvc to keep them in place and to add extra lighting. I have noticed in pictures that the guys with reflectors are getting more direct lighting...
  10. smokeyloki

    Panda Film- What can I use to bond it???

    I'm planning on making a frame out of 1/2 inch pvc and then I'm going to use the panda film to skin the frame. What can I use to glue/tape the panda film? I didn't even think about it at first but then I realized that it is poly, and certain glue won't adhere to poly. Anyone have any...
  11. smokeyloki

    Possible T5 grow- looking for some help from the CFL masters

    I had posted in the indoor section that I was thinking about getting a grow tent. I'm doing a lowryder grow with cfl's but I know that I need to improve my setup. My plans may have changed now. My friends father has a six bulb T5 setup sitting in the basement that he doesn't plan on using...
  12. smokeyloki

    Considering a grow tent- size vs number of plants + lighting

    I've been tossing around the idea of getting myself a grow tent. I think it would make for a clean setup and would be easier to maintain than my current makeshift setup. How many plants can you roughly fit in a 36x20x62 grow tent? Is that too small of an area? Next size up that I saw was the...
  13. smokeyloki

    1st time collecting pollen sacs- want to make sure I have this right

    Planning on harvesting the pollen sacs from a male to do a seed run. I saw a few faq's but I'm still not 100% on things. Are the male pollen sacs ready to be removed when they start to hang down or do I need to wait for something else? One of the faq's was talking about waiting to see how...
  14. smokeyloki

    Lowryder strains- when to switch lights

    I have a couple of dieselryders growing under cfls. When is the right time to change the bulbs from 6500k to 2700k. I was actually thinking about changing out one bulb on each y splittter for now. Right now two of them are a little larger and also seem to be showing balls. Perfect for me because...
  15. smokeyloki

    Odour control for small grow- no way to vent out of room

    I'm going have a small grow going with about 5-6 dieselryder plants. My problem is that I have no way to vent the air out of the room. It's a smaller unfinished part of the basement. 12.5L x 8.5W x 7.5H So far from reading on here it seems that a carbon scrubber needs to be vented out of...
  16. smokeyloki

    Germination problem...I killed them

    I germinated 5 seeds using the normale paper towel method. Three of the seeds had decent sized white tails and two of them were just starting to pop. This time around instead of starting them in cups of soil I decided to just use one gallon pots. I was thinking that I wouldn't really need to...
  17. smokeyloki

    Northeast flowering - or in this case not

    Outdoor grow in the northeast area- How far along until I need to start worrying about my plants not flowering? I've read other posts for the northeast area and also saw NY people that are starting to flower already. So far I'm really not seeing this plant flowering and I honestly don't think...
  18. smokeyloki

    Need some advice on autoflowering lowryder strains

    Does anyone with experience know if the auto flowering lowryder strains really finish in 9-10 weeks? I'm seriously considering starting a few now. That would put me around the first or second week of Oct for them to be finishing. Worst case scenario I would have to bring them indoors to finish...
  19. smokeyloki

    Quick forced flowering question

    I have one plant that is a runt due to the main stem breaking. I'm thinking about just forcing this one to flower at this point. I did a search and someone suggested just covering the plant with a garbage can. My only concern is that it will get way too hot in there and end up totally killing...
  20. smokeyloki

    Updated Noob grow -garden grow

    Here is where I started: I started some plants indoors and planned to move them outside once the weather was good. In the process I've made a few noob mistakes and a few stupid ones too. I took out two babies while moving...