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  1. Jrankin89

    2nd grow , 1st in ten years. Cfl and lst

    So its been a while, figured its time to have fun again, I have 4 plants, (3 that matter). Under 4x overdriven (2bulb ballast wired into 1 bulb ) t12 48inch 3000k 2900lumens, and have 6x 23w 2700k cfls spread around the sides, did lst from the very beginning, also did hack off mostly all fan...
  2. Jrankin89

    400 watt CFL grow, 3rd time around. 35 days flowering! PICS

    the two, what we think is jack herer. they smells SUPER sweet. theres 12x 26 watt 2700k cfl's, 1 x 65 watt 6500k cfl, 2 x 42 watt 2700k, and a 15 watt T5. temp stays at 78 - 80 F, RH is 40% ( always has been ) used superthrive in the veg state, vegged about 3 weeks, switched to 12 / 12 and am...
  3. Jrankin89

    enough CFL to flower?

    so , using a rubbermaid bin as a light fixture painted flat white , it runs about 78-80 F have 10 x 24watt 2700k and 1 x 65w 6500k cfl ... 1 cfl puts out 1600 lum , the 65w puts out 4500 lums, thats just over 20,000 lum's , LSTing and have 2 plants ... is the cfl output enough? give that the...
  4. Jrankin89

    Used only 2700k throughout whole grow.

    the whole time, used 2700k, plants did not stretch, buds looked amazing for CFL's, everyone is saying you must use 6500k for veg... wrong and i've got the proof. 5x 24 watt cfl's, got about 1/2 ounce off 1 plant and it wasn't even a foot tall. used MG for the first few weeks, diluted to about...
  5. Jrankin89

    CFL BUD, Post pics plz.

    I would love to see what some people came out with on CFL's, post pics of your CFL babys!
  6. Jrankin89

    whats going to happen ( harvest ) pics included

    well shes almost done, but NOT done, i cant let her go past the 3rd of july because of inspection. SUCKS ASS, but after that im starting a better one. this one should still be bomb tho. comments? whats going to happen to the high? thrinchomes are cloudy and amber not so much amber, but in a week...
  7. Jrankin89

    Help, Question for adv user.

    Now im 1 week from harvest, will it swell up in the next week? i see 1/4 amber thrinces and i plan to harvest on the 3rd of july, any commets? its on day 50 of flowering from switch.
  8. Jrankin89

    2 weeks from harvest. (Pics)

    Hows she looking? i topped late and it looks like it works for the best.
  9. Jrankin89

    Stunted buds? (pics included)

    Whats going on? it looks like the buds stopped growing. they've looked the same for almost more than a week., Temps at 85, RH is 37, light fan blowing on the plant... watered only when needed. nutes im only using fish emulsion. i dunno whats wrong, pics below.
  10. Jrankin89

    Hows she looking?

    Shes day 37 into flowering, link below for further info, pics below.
  11. Jrankin89

    First CFL, Almost harvest.

    Hows she looking? she has a week or 2 left. ( link below )
  12. Jrankin89

    Harvest time?

    Im curious how much longer its going to take? Link below, its been flowering for 45 days... any guesses?
  13. Jrankin89

    almost harvest?

    Its been flowering for 45 days now, i dont have anything to tell the thrinchromes or w/e with, so i just really need a good estamate date. please. it has 5 cfl's on it, 4 x 24 watt and 1 x 46 watt in the middle. temp is 85 Rh is 35. no fertalizer besides fish emulsion was used, its 5/1/1 lol but...
  14. Jrankin89

    another newbie Q, sorry.

    What magnification is it possible to see trinchomes ? 10X? 30X? i have a magnifying glass 3X with a digital camera, will this work?
  15. Jrankin89

    Noobie Question

    Curing, Hows it done? Ive read a lot on here and haven't found a straight answer. how long? in what? Thanks.
  16. Jrankin89


    How much longer does this have? its a month into flowering under 6 CFL's, More info click the link below, also, how long should i cure it for?
  17. Jrankin89

    over watered?

    if it is over watered, is it going to be okay? it doesn't look so good.. ph is normal, lights have been the same, temp is 80, rh is around 35-40 throughout the day... i watered it day before yesterday... possibly a little too much.. any help?
  18. Jrankin89

    HELP, sick plant.

    i might of overwatered it yesterday.... but it just keeps getting more droopy... my RH is around 35 temp is about 80... exhaust and fans blowing on plants.. if this is overwatering.. when does it come back?
  19. Jrankin89

    Blue Vs White.... which?

    hi im 3 weeks into flowering, i found my old fish tank light, i have a blue one and a white one, which one should i use, and if i used the blue, what would it do???
  20. Jrankin89

    Topping yeild?

    Whats topping going to do to your yeild? increase? decrease? what? iv herd of alot of people that hate doing it. i would love some yeild numbers.