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  1. Dr Jones

    Dark Calyx???

    Hi RIU, anyone seen this before? Not sure if its a problem
  2. Dr Jones

    Attitude's Pineapple Express Auto

    Hello, Its been a while since i grew anything from seed. Its been a while since I grew anything really! Been smoking overpriced weed from DGC and the dreaded soapbar. I could bide by the law no longer so i got myself some seeds. I admit that i did not notice they were auto's, neither did i...
  3. Dr Jones

    What To Do....?? G13 PE Dilemma

    Hey, I've got myself a dilemma. I have been keeping a strain growing the last while but am now down to my last plant. Its 1 week into flower 12/12 and history tells me it's likely to Yield 40-50g. Here's the problem. I got 5x G13 PE seeds the other day and they're auto's. I admit I got lost...
  4. Dr Jones

    Whats Up with these girls?

    I hope someone can help me, im trying to find information on what is happening to my plants. They dont seem to be budding properly. There are lots of single leaves and lonely large calyx's. They're coming up to 6 weeks in flower and my colas are falling apart. This happened to some of my last...
  5. Dr Jones

    The truth is out there

    Hi, Ive seen a lot of journals and a lot of threads now to know there are some VERY experienced heads among us. Someone must be able to be good at identifying strains. Im so keen to identify my strain as I think it is very good indeed. Ive handed out a few clones now im getting the hang of it...
  6. Dr Jones

    Dr Jones' S.O.G. Journal

    Hi , I been messing around with some bag seed up until now. Ive had 2 successful grow's each with 2 plants, producing around 2oz per plant. Growing areas consist of; Cloning Tank - 2' long, 1' wide, x 1.5' tall. This is just an old tropical fish tank I recycled. I use the original water...
  7. Dr Jones

    UK Air Conditioner Unit ??? WHICH ???

    HI, Im wanting an air con unit for my loft grow room. It gets close to 100 in there when its sunny outside in the summer. What should I look for in an ACU? would a humidifier make the room too wet/mouldy? can you recommend one, pref cheap, quiet & effective air cooling PLEASE Will even get...
  8. Dr Jones

    2nd Grow with seed, incl. Mom

    This is my second time with seeds, ok they stretched like hell - should i bother continuing? Tops look healthy enough but i need to straighten them legs up. Dont suppose Forest Gump's doctor is looking in SOG Roolz:peace:
  9. Dr Jones

    Vitalink Max, 5.1/7.8/2.6

    Hi All, can anyone offer any feedback on using these nutes from Vitalink. I have read various threads but seem to get lost, so i have started a new thread. I have been using Vitalink Flowering Nutes up until now but I got these new nutes for my mother mainly. Anyone have any gen on this...
  10. Dr Jones

    HELP, I wanna take more cuttings

    I have taken cuttings before, dipped in a cheshunt solution and into jiffy pellets in a 5 inch pot of soil/perl/verm. My trouble is I aint sure if they are rooting properly. The last 2 are now eventually producing new growth but it took 4 weeks. Is there a way i could do it quicker and be sure...
  11. Dr Jones

    Second Grow, this time from seed. How am i doing?

    Here are some pics of my second grow attempt. I started with seeds in jiffy pellets and sprouted 2 x Thai Stick (i think) couple weeks later I sprouted another anonymous strain 20/3/08 5-6 weeks in Veg and they were over 18" so I have to flower before i end up with monsters by Harvest...
  12. Dr Jones

    Venus Fly Trap, Good or Bad?

    I have lots of little flies in my attic veg room. Would it be ok to have a venus fly trap to have in there and/or even move it between rooms.
  13. Dr Jones

    Anyone good at identifying strains?

    Hi, I have 1 plant that I am unsure of. Its not like any other I have had before in that all the branches go vertical . Its a bit like an upside down closed umbrella if that makes any sense. Its coming on well but im feeling i should weigh the branches to open her up more. They are very thick...
  14. Dr Jones

    1st Grow Crystal

    Here are some pics of my mates first successful grow. Started off with 2 nipped cuttings and flouros to veg. Started flowering on tubes too but had to make a new gro room and upgrade lights half way through flowering. Went with single 400 dual spec as there's limited headroom. Needed butchering...
  15. Dr Jones

    Mystery Ladies

    Hi can anyone help, I sprouted these babies and havent really got a clue what strain they are. This is my second grow, but first successful grow from seeds.