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  1. Towley

    Leaves are getting worse and still cant figure whats wrong

    this is the original thread from yesterday the leaves are getting more brown rust spots any1 have any clue to whats wrong thanks
  2. Towley

    Can't figure out this leaf problem

    Auto White Dwarf Soil FF w/perlite This is the only girl showing this problem Only tap water ppm low -50, soil ph 6.5-6.8 used Cal-Mag twice so far every girl loved it.... watered once with Thrive B1, they all loved it :) but this one poor girl just seems to have this problem since...
  3. Towley

    Fan and filter size

    sorry for another question.. but to my understanding you want to match filter with fan size.. so would a 395 6'canfan ho be a perfect match for the 6x12 400cfm phresh filter? or do i want a lower cfm filter with my fan thanks in advance
  4. Towley

    Venting through a bathroom fan question.

    Has anyone removed their bathroom fan and tapped into the duct work to exhaust up through the roof? the only reason I ask is I haven't found that much info on it. My fan is 395cfm and the duct work thats connected to the fan in the bathroom is 4inch while I'm working with 6inch ducting in the...
  5. Towley

    SO confused :) ? about Fan Speed control

    I'm a nub when it comes to fans and after a lot of reading through old threads I have a few questions. SO I hooked up my CanFan and I think i went a little overboard in the size. I got this one...
  6. Towley

    Any1 use Mykos WP

    Was in my local hydro shop and got a sample of this stuff. Says its good for reservoirs, root drenching and top dressing. Any one have some experience with it...
  7. Towley

    Old Beans

    nub i am i am a nub
  8. Towley

    What's Up

    New here, but always loved to garden... I've lurked and read a lot of good things and I know I'll find more stuff with good info... Anyhoot. Hi and oh I can't believe no one had picked this screen name before me :)