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  1. marijuana~momma

    A JuMbLe of PoEtIc HiGhNeSs

    Something a bit new, yet altogether old... Something possibly revived, brought in from the cold.. I spiral downwords, looking for light... I haven't yet realized, I am not quite right.. I am my own best company, I don't want to be in charge of affecting eternity.. I want to know the...
  2. marijuana~momma

    Organic Nutrients

    Hey all, I have been trying to use organic for most everything with my plants, and wanted to see if there were any true ORGANIC freaks out there that would recommend some good nutes. I have seen Fox Farm, and had that recommended, their organic ones. But wanted to see if anyone could give me...
  3. marijuana~momma

    MJ Glycerin drops/extract

    I had gotten some extract that is actually in a glycerin form, it was made by working together with vodka, but that is all I know. Does anybody know how to make it into the glycerin drops, they are HUGELY helpful, and I wanted to make some of my own! Thanks for your help. I have found the...
  4. marijuana~momma

    Healthy Fungus in Soil

    Another thing is that I wanted to know, is it okay to have some healthy fungus mixed in the soil, when working with mj. I ask because the good organic kind of soil I picked up, is supposed to be really fantastic because it has good nutrients and a healthy fungus that binds with the roots and...
  5. marijuana~momma

    Green Moss, growing issue

    Crap, i have some root bound plants that are getting transplanted tomorrow, but have found some green moss starting to grow in two of my planters, is this horrible? I picked up some extra special organic soil, and I am adding perlite tomorrow when I replant. Please tell me if I have fucked...
  6. marijuana~momma

    SWF seeks Knowledge and Networkers

    :weed:LOL!!! So I am not really single, but I am desperately searching for others to network with. Some people that know their shit, or are just beginning to learn their shit. I am really new to this and really appreciate all the help available for growing, smoking, vaping, anything... So...
  7. marijuana~momma

    The Bedside Cannabis

    Hey, once again I am looking for a good strain that you like or love that is good for bed time. Good for just chilling, relaxing and mellowing... Tell me what you like and why, I greatly appreciate it!!!! Thank you!:weed:
  8. marijuana~momma


    Hey all, I am looking for some more information on lights, I work with cfls, but I am wanting to know the benefits of each different kind. So if you all would be kind enough to show me some love here and tell me what you like and WHY you like it, I would be most obliged!! Thank You!!:weed:
  9. marijuana~momma

    Looking for Suggestions on Strains

    So I am new to using mj, and growing. I am four weeks into my first grow, and have chosen some higher Sativa mixes to help me. I have some health issues that I use the mj for! I have fibromyalgia, and damage to the trigeminal nerve in my face! I wanted to ask if you wouldn't mind taking time...
  10. marijuana~momma

    Books on MJ

    Some helpful books I have picked up are 'The Big Book of Buds' by Ed Rosenthal, if you are looking for some information on strains and such, it has a lot of them and all the specs, and also interesting info. on the background and all. Also one called 'Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts' written by...
  11. marijuana~momma

    Health Benefits

    As you will no doubt be able to tell after reading this, I am very new to working with mj, my main reason now for growing and using this amazing plant is because it is one of the only things that will work on my complicated body. I have Fibromyalgia and damage to the trigeminal nerve in my face...
  12. marijuana~momma


    To germinate the seeds I got out a quart size canning jar, put about an 1/8" of water in bottom, gently wrapped the seeds in a few damp paper towels, and then folded the towels and put them in the jar, setting one corner of the towel in the water. This keeps it moist, you don't want it too wet...