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  1. D

    Bulb Exploded - what now?

    So a thousand watt bulb just blew up over my four lavender wrecks just before harvest time. Shit! Tried vacuuming the glass dust off but the buds are so sticky it doesn't work well. Any ideas how to salvage? Or what are my other options?
  2. D

    Attitude Seed: good service

    So I sent my (expensive) order and promptly got nothing but a tshirt. Green tape, nothing else. Bummed, so I sent an email with photo, and they reshipped immediately. I tracked the first order and it had gone through Chicago, after what I read, no surprise. The next time it came through San Fran...
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    Throwing rocks at the hornet's nest

    Changes afoot - Which three things are the worst here?
  4. D

    So you want to grow legally under 502?

    Alright, I hate the bullcrap and rules I see being proposed for Washington 502 adult marijuana use. But, I mean really, this is a chance to be a legal grower, pretty much a first in the world. Hard to pass up, and I think the rules might be doable. So I think I'll throw my hat in the ring and...