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  1. KidCreole

    I Think I'm Growing Ducttape. CFL, Rubbermaid & Bagseed

    whats up RIU! This is my second go at a grow. My first grow went perfect up until i was nice to a friend and nursed his raggedy ass plant back to health and got spidermites in the process. :finger: So now ive got myself a whole new scheme and I plan a rubbermaid grow with a handful of...
  2. KidCreole

    Balls to the Wall outdoor grow!

    Ok, so here's what I've got. i live near the woods and want to get an outdoor grow started now in the winter while i can get all the prep all out of the way so i can throw my seeds into the ground come end feb early march. I have a few questions, but im no idiot, i read the faqs and do my own...
  3. KidCreole

    confused and paranoid

    so im out with friends enjoying myself and i walk past a cop at a college event. i smell of pot and he asks where it is. i say nothing, get searched and found, and sit in a chair for four hours while the cuffs cut off circulation to one hand and the other is bleeding from where they pinned me. I...
  4. KidCreole

    fuckin spidermites...

    so i actually started off with two plants not knowing how bad the first one was doing since she was an outdoor i moved indoor, but i know better now. my last living girl is about three weeks into flower and these spidermites are gettin WAYYYYY too comfortable. how can i stop this before they...
  5. KidCreole

    Bass Ackwards...

    ok so im not actually looking for "help" per se, but im stuck.:neutral: my girl marigold is about three feet tall and 18-20 days flowering. but i dont exactly know what im looking for. shes got little bud sites popping up everywhere and her cola is beginning to form i guess, but im not really...
  6. KidCreole

    whats with the sig?

    ok so i have a question. i understand that weed is illegal in some parts, promptin people to put "legal stipulations" in their sigs, can this really stand up in a court of law or are we screwed nontheless? if youre wondering why i would ask this question then you arent in the United States of...
  7. KidCreole

    This bloom is doomed!!

    ok so i have this one litle girl whos about 2 weeks into flower and her bud sites are lookin pretty, its the rest of the plant thats wrecked! i dont know what to do! i cant diagnose the problem because nothing is working!:cry: i got her as a gift from a dumbass who left her out so she ended up...
  8. KidCreole

    Help me with this idea

    Ok, so i have this idea but im REALLY high and dont have the mechanical aptitude to pull this off, lifted or not. If somebody can put this together and get it up here, it might be cool. On the other hand, if this already exists, i sure didnt know about it. So I was on ebay looking at different...
  9. KidCreole

    what do i do?

    ok, so im sittin here gettin blasted when it occurs to me that i should check the age of my two plants... one is mine(marigold) and im babysitting for a friend (earnie). my girl is fine, strong stinky and getting taller everyday at abt 7 weeks tomorrow. However, the other plant was sown on...
  10. KidCreole

    Comment on my setup!!!

    ok so this is by far the most basic setup ive ever seen that might possibly work. I really didnt put much monetary time into this as i am horribly broke... I was hit by a semi truck the other day so i wont be broke for long!!!:mrgreen: anyway, heres my setup: Im growing in a closet that...
  11. KidCreole

    Reppin tha REAL dirty! Katrinaville!!!

    so nobody ma read this, but if you do, you got love from lil weezy anna!!! find me and we'll spark one!:razz: