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  1. C

    2nd grow! Bigger and better...

    Hello, This is our second grow. Our first grow was in a PC grow box. We got about 35 grams from one plant. Great for establishing some experience, but not enough for smokers like us to see the benefit. Sooo…..We got a bigger box. Set up: The box is meant to use for storage; plastic and cheap...
  2. C

    wanted to share

    Almost six weeks into flowering. So amazing watching a plant grow for the first time; from seed to weed. :) We have a few leaves that started to get some spotty looking stuff. I think it was determined that was cause by either lack of calcium or touching the leaves to the dirt from LST. As soon...
  3. C

    Beginners; Normal or Burnt?

    Hello to all, We are in the third week of flowering. We did some LST traning using weights and gardening string. For the most part she looks healthy: What is concerning us is what looks like burns on a couple of the "?fanleaves": I have read these leaves will eventually start dying...
  4. C

    Clarification....Yield projections

    Barneys Farm -Amnesia Lemon Yield: Optimum indoor. 500 gr/m2 Indoor Height: 70 - 80 cm Indoor flowering time: 65 to 75 days THC: 20.5 % CBD: 0.7 % Just looking for a little clarification on the yield part . In other words 500 gr/m2 would translate to a yield potential of 500 grams per...
  5. C

    General question; newbie!

    This may be a silly question and rather difficult to articulate, but is it safe to say that buds will grow from each section that has the white hairs? I counted 16 spots where little white hairs were growing from. If this is where the buds will grow is 16 a good number of bud sites? Of course...
  6. C

    New Growers; info needed

    Let me begin by saying this is our first grow and we are not too savvy on the growing lingo but I will do my best..... My husband and I started a plant; she is in second week of flowing. We used LST to bend the plant vertically. This seemed to really help with the bottom bud sites, but not...
  7. C

    Friendly inquiry....

    As new growers we have needed all the support and guidance we can get. After about 4 weeks we just began the flowering stage; using CFL lights. Due to limited space we have been experimenting with a PC grow box. We are using a mix of Fosfor Plus and Bloom Complex upon recommendation from the...
  8. C

    Opinions Needed; Yellowing baby

    I have been trying to do as much research as possible before asking anything on here, but keep getting conflicting answers. The plant is one week old. PC grow box with two CFL lights and one heating light (have to ask husband what kind of heat light). Exhaust fan and ventilation fan. The temp...
  9. C

    Transplant question.

    I was wondering... if we started the plant in a large pot in the first place will we avoid having to transplant? Our plant is a few days old. I don't think we will be able to get a bigger pot in the PC box. I just assumed that using a bigger pot would avoid the need? ??
  10. C

    Feminized seeds???

    We are very new to the scene and still doing a lot of research. I keep hearing terms that I am not familiar with. We got 5 seeds for 40 euro. When my husband brought them home and said they were all female seeds. I thought he was crazy because I did not think that was possible. I thought the sex...
  11. C

    Expert's advise needed!!!

    My husband and I made a PC grow box. Please be kind as this is our first attempt at this. We are using two cfl lights at 5500. We used the material from the sun visors for cars as the liner. We wired the computer fan for ventilation. We live in Itlay right next to the see so we get terrible...
  12. C

    Couple in Italy

    Hello all my fellow Potopians. We are new here, but have already seen how this site is really going to help us out. This is my first time growing inside and my husband is still a new grower so I expect we will need as much help as possible. Nice to meet ya.
  13. C

    PC Grow box concerns

    Hello. My husband and I made a PC grow box. We just got our first sprout a few days ago. We were wondering what can be done so that the plant grows fat and not high as the PC box only provides so much space? If it matters the seeds were Amnesia Lemon. Any suggestions?
  14. C

    Desperate growers of Italy

    I am new to this site. My husband and I have recently tried to grow our own. We made a PC grow box with two lights (I will have to ask him to be sure of what kind of lights). We purchased some seeds and put one in a pot. It started to sprout, but the seed seems to still be on the top. It has...