Search results

  1. Noobmeister

    Ontario - Who to contact to obtain a medical marijuana license Just take a look at their website and you will find the answer to all of your questions. This is just to help those that cannot find the answers they have been looking for. Respect the system and it's maintainers. Don't be ignorant or stupid. If you aren't...
  2. Noobmeister

    ?Light Green/Yellowish Pokadots on Fan Leaves?

    My friend has a hydroponic system installed because she uses marijuana medicinally, and she has been having a strange issue with one of her plants which is in the system, although there are six other plants which have remained unaffected. The plant is developing these light green/yellowish dots...
  3. Noobmeister

    Continuous Drip System - Help me out

    Hey everybody, this is my first thread in, although I have been around as a member for well over a couple years now. My friend has a sweet continuous drip system, and his roots are constantly under the water, as he has no way to flood the tub. What is a recommended method to solve...
  4. Noobmeister

    Need two Ontario Doctors!!! Help me

    I have been searching for years to get what I should rightfully have. I have been suffering with PTSD, GAD, Major Depression and ADHD for my entire life, and the one cure, over all the medications which I have tried, which is solid and true, is marijuana. I can only really take part in a normal...