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  1. mi5neo

    Is this ready?

    Are these ready?..Wot ya reckon?...:clap:
  2. mi5neo

    A shyte strain...

    Green spirit....It's a nightmare, very tempremental and has little tollerance to mistakes, a strain for the very advanced grower me thinks...showed signs of distress if pH went above or below 6.05, showed signs of distress if humidity not kept at 65%, it didn't root well from the outset and...
  3. mi5neo

    Molasses, the ins and outs...

    Sweet Organic Goodness - Magical Molasses There are a number of different nutrient and fertilizer companies selling a variety of additives billed as carbohydrate booster products for plants. Usually retailing for tens of dollars per gallon if not tens of dollars per liter, these products...
  4. mi5neo

    PICS...Anyone know this...?

    Hey. What's the last point whilst flowering your plants that they could become hermies? Mine are 3 weeks into flower now, I know i haven't got any males or hermies, they are all beautiful ladies, i was just wondering other than harvest, a what point or stage will a female definately NOT turn...
  5. mi5neo

    Anyone know this...?

    Hey. What's the last point whilst flowering your plants that they could become hermies? Mine are 3 weeks into flower now, I know i haven't got any males or hermies, they are all beautiful ladies, i was just wondering other than harvest, a what point or stage will a female definately NOT turn...
  6. mi5neo

    1 Week into flower (pics)

    Think its looking ok??
  7. mi5neo

    Opinions On This...?

    Guys. I've been away for a couple of days leaving my babies in the care of my mate...he's followed my instructions carefully and he thought it would be nice if he changed their light cycle for me and put them into flower for when i got back....No problem there as they are 8 weeks old....The...
  8. mi5neo

    My mate's an idiot!

    Guys. I've been away for a couple of days leaving my babies in the care of my mate...he's followed my instructions carefully and he thought it would be nice if he changed their light cycle for me and put them into flower for when i got back....No problem there as they are 8 weeks old....The...
  9. mi5neo

    Increase humidity...

    hey do i increase the humidity in my room, its currently at around 35% and they're into first week of flowering?
  10. mi5neo

    Molasses quantities..?

    Dudes (inc females)...Can someone please tell me how much molasses do i use for my ladies? I'm just about to turn them to 12/12, they're 7/8 weeks old, green spirit under 600w HPS....advice always appreciated thanks.kiss-ass
  11. mi5neo

    Molasses amounts??

    Dudes (inc females)...Can someone please tell me how much molasses do i use for my ladies? I'm just about to turn them to 12/12, they're 7/8 weeks old, green spirit under 600w HPS....advice always appreciated thanks.
  12. mi5neo


    i've got a water butt 210 L i've half filled it added my nutes and tested the Ph, all is ok except my Ph is around do i bring that up to 6.5 ish? Is there any products out there that bring Ph up??
  13. mi5neo

    FFS, please help...

    i've got a water butt 210 L i've half filled it added my nutes and tested the Ph, all is ok except my Ph is around do i bring that up to 6.5 ish? Is there any products out there that bring Ph up??
  14. mi5neo


    so i'm growing 'green spirit' under 600w sodiums, they are 6-7 weeks old now from seed, still in veg 18-6, all look nice and green most of 'em are about 8inch tall 2 or 3 are 10-12 inch tall and nice and bushy but 3 of em are about 4 inch tall, are the 4 inch ones runts, they have tiny leaves...
  15. mi5neo

    Some help please...

    I'm growing 'Green spirit' a hybrid of skunk and big bud, I'm growing in a mix of rockwool and potting soil using 600w sodiums. my plants are 5 weeks old (from seed), i have a couple of questions.... 2 seem to be well behind the others but i'm not concerned with that but yesterday i had a...
  16. mi5neo

    Couple Of Questions, Please Advise...

    I'm growing 'Green spirit' a hybrid of skunk and big bud, I'm growing in a mix of rockwool and potting soil using 600w sodiums. my plants are 5 weeks old (from seed), i have a couple of questions.... 2 seem to be well behind the others but i'm not concerned with that but yesterday i had a...
  17. mi5neo

    Please Help, Weak Stem

    My babies are into their 4th week and all looking ok except one, the plant had fallen in the night and when i looked closely at it, it appears that the stem has not 'thickened' all the way, the weak lighter green part is about half an inch in length. Just above the soil level the stem looks thin...
  18. mi5neo

    A Little Help Please...

    One of my babies is not doing anything, i have all my babies under 4 lights 600w sodium, the water level is ok the heat and light is ok, all my other babies are progressing as they should (they have thier 3point leaves) but this 1 is stuck, it doesn't look as though its moved since week 2 its...
  19. mi5neo


    One of my babies is not doing anything, i have all my babies under 4 lights 600w sodium, the water level is ok the heat and light is ok, all my other babies are progressing as they should (they have thier 3point leaves) but this 1 is stuck, it doesn't look as though its moved since week 2 its...
  20. mi5neo

    Dudes, Help.

    Some of my seedlings (1 week old) have grown long and spindly, the others look fine but i have 2 or 3 that at the mo i have propped up, my question is, can i put more soil around them thats gone lanky so as to stabilise them and give them strength or will that cause damage to the stem at all?