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    Olive Oli tincture using ABV . . . . . . .

    Sorry, Olive "Oil", not Olive Oli.....oops... Anyone else doing as I here? I love to take my left over ABV and do a little double broiler set up to extract the plentiful goodness that still resides within the ABV :eyesmoke: I pour enough olive oil over the abv to just cover it. You don't...
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    DJ SHORT......Blueberry vs True Blueberry

    DJ SHORT......Blueberry vs True Blueberry hXXp:// <---------------- change the hXXp: to http: to make the link live . . . . howdy all, wondering if anyone can shed some light on the preferred "blueberry" here..... Would you go with the...
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    finally headed outdoors . . . first time @ 46N

    Hey guys - getting ready to attempt my 1st outdoor grow this 2013 season @ 46.3 North I've been enjoying this magical herb for over 40 years, and have been growing indoors over the last 5 years. Every time I harvest an indoor, I think how nice it would be to do this naturally under the sun...