Search results

  1. doogidie

    Is 2 Ounces Too Much?

    imma bout to make some cannacookies, and it requires two sticks of butter. so what i got is regs not chronic so do you think an ounce per stick is sufficient? or is that too much?
  2. doogidie


    alright, am i the only that finds the search thing hard to use? i typed mold in it on threads and nothing about mold came up. i know theres been mold threads before. well anyways, my friend chopped down his plant last month and improperly dried it so it was completley dry. he gave me about 3-4...
  3. doogidie

    CHYEA!!!!! off probo soon (hopefully)

    so i met up with my probation officer yesterday. i payed her all the money that i owed (like $230 that im supposed to pay 60 every month so im way ahead of the game) and i'm gunna be done with community service by the time our next meeting is (10-14-09) and then ill have nothing else!!! ive only...
  4. doogidie

    WTF Is My Dad Talking About?

    my dad was telling me the stories of his crazy pot smokin days and said some crazy shit. lie afgani purple being purply vainy. lookin scary almost he said.also bubblegum looking like a bubblegum machine with all different colors. and he said he grew seeds from holland that grew a RED plant? any...
  5. doogidie

    etg test?

    hey guys. im on probation and i got this color code thing where i have to call four days a week to see if i have a drug test the next day. well, i get a possible test every monday, tuesday,wednesday or friday. so basically, thursday would be the best day to do anything cause if i call and...
  6. doogidie

    oil vs butter?

    so i wa just wondering, which got you higher, cannbutter or cannaoil? all the brownie mixes and cake mixes call for oil so im hoping oil is the victor haha. thanks guys!
  7. doogidie

    cannabis cup close to home?

    hey guys. someone told me that amsterdam is getting more strict and that tehy were thinkin about movin the cannabis cup? first off, i dont believe it but is there anything like this close to the us? like canada or something?? i just really wanna go to this thing!
  8. doogidie


  9. doogidie


  10. doogidie


  11. doogidie


  12. doogidie

    Lights of all sorts!

    hey guys. i found this great light chart showing different bulb description and different prices. let me know what you think!:eek: edit: nvm it didnt work :sad: i have failed you all:cry::spew:
  13. doogidie

    is transfering neseccary?

    hey guys, i was just wondering if you had to start in a small pot or if you could start the grow in an already big pot. also, will lsting possibly cause a hermie? also, is there a way to make like a midget plant? thanks for the help guys
  14. doogidie

    to all us sober guys =[

    Anyone else in the same boat? Im on probo and can't smoke for another 5 months becaus of random tests. What do the rest of you do for fun? Anyone feel as bored as me? Fuck the police :finger:.
  15. doogidie


    Hey guys. I was just wondering what the strain that produces the most trichromes was. If you have any shots of your favorite plant, post away. My dealer got ahold of this danky dank that was so covered it trichomes that it looked pure white and DELICOUIS!!! Any ideas on what strain it was?
  16. doogidie

    hash oil or crystals?

    hey guys. when im finally off probation, im gunna make some hash oil or crystals, cause its 70-99% thc. so just wonderin if anyone prefered the oil or freezing it and turnin it into crystals? is there a difference? also wonderin if i should buy like $50 of krip mids or reggie. id think reggie...
  17. doogidie

    Florida isnt lookin so good...

    so i saw this thing on the internet like a year ago how this group called pufmm was getting people to sign a petition for medical marijuana to show up on the 2010 ballot for florida, but i just looked it up again, trying to find out exactly how many signatures they have, and they have 121 out of...
  18. doogidie

    does your yeild outweigh your cost???

    hey, im new to indoor growing and i was just wondering, how much do you spend on the entire setup + electricty bill + miscellanious bills for growing indoors. i was just wondering if you save money growing your weed rather than buying it, and how long it would take for you to make up the...
  19. doogidie

    did i make a booboo?

    alright so i had my first plant growin in my backyard like a year ago and it grew up past my nipple (im 5'7") even though it was topped off and it was flowerin for a while then it started gettin yellow leaves and gettin spots. i was especially worried when the two bottom branches broke off so i...
  20. doogidie

    happy medium?

    when i first started smoking weed, i had this ideaolgy that it should be something done only every now and then since it was so incredibly intense for me. i seriously couldnt figure out why anyone would even care about other drugs, it was such a different world. then i moved to my dads who's a...