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  1. V


    Im growing northern lights and berry bomb with a 400 watt hps and a 400 watt hid tens are consistent at 73-77 and humidity 45-55 4 weeks into flower.Recently I had 3 day of a light leak for 3 hours, it wasn't a constant 3 days but more like great for 3 days then day for light leak for 2 to 3...
  2. V

    Need some advice ASAP!

    Hi guys, I just want to know if it is safe to have plants under 18/0 light cycle for 4 weeks then go to 24/0 for two days and then 12/12? I ask because i was recently begging under 2 hps which are ballast dimmables and is dimmed down to 50% each one hps and the other hid. When I switched to...
  3. V

    Are these ready to be picked?!! :) Take a look at these pictures!!!!!!!!!

    this first pic is an older pic about a week 1/2 old is it time??? i really need need some advice dont want to harvest to late. ive checked the trichomes and they are mostly milky with maybe 10 percent clear with no amber. what should i do should i put her in the dark for 36 hours then chop and...
  4. V

    making canna-slushie

    hey guys just wondering if you can use trimmings from say a cannabis plant put it in a blender with ice and your favorite fruits and make it into a slushie......would you still be able to feel an effect??
  5. V

    Pictures!!! and imput and advice 7 week flower how doesshe look?

    the first 3 are now at week 7 and the last ones are week 5-6. does anyone know if when curing do you judge by the his on the calliper 3 or do you judge by the average rh because i read somewhere that says when the high is 70 you can jar them over night for say 12 to 24 hours is that right...
  6. V

    White hairs turning brown and dying help needed!!!!

    Why are the white hairs on my plant dying most of the other colas seem fine but now the white hairs being burned is spreading to my colas white hairs being burnt! Can anyone tell me what's wrong??? I've been using diatemaseous earth for the past 3weeks for fungus gnats feeding her organicare...
  7. V

    Using diatemaseous earth safer kind!

    How safe is this for growing or is it safe at all?!!
  8. V

    experienced help need pics available!!!

    hey guys my girl is almost 3 weeks into flower shes looking good but on my lower branches that had already produced white hairs their now turning brown and shrivelling away idk why but its kinda starting to happen to the lower buds where there was white hairs its now just about no hairs and all...
  9. V

    Need opinion on grow pics available yell me what you guts think

    I can't get my temp under 90 constant it's always fluctuating. My humidity is usually good at around 50% growth is beautiful but I think it can be better due to the high temps any advice is greatly appreciated!
  10. V

    seedlings temp

    Hey guys just wondering if anyone knows the exact temp when starting a seedling in soil and whats the humidity spose to be like?
  11. V


    Just wondering at what stage do you start using grandmas original molasses and how much? Can you use it during seed starting and increase dosage as the plant matures?
  12. V


    anyone ever ordered from cannabis i ordered white widows and they have not arrived yet.
  13. V

    Please need experienced advice only.

    does anyone know exactly how much can a 400 hps light yeild? and also have anyone ever ordered white widow seeds from because i have and its been over a week now. also if i want super duper dense buds will my 400 watt give me that denseness? and how many square feet can i cover with...