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  1. C

    Green Cross in San Fransico

    This an interesting article about a cannabis club in a popular region of San Francisco. Marijuana Fight Envelops Fisherman's Wharf By JESSE McKINLEY Published: July 3, 2006 SAN FRANCISCO, July 2 — The newest attraction planned for Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco's most...
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    Imagine Warren Buffett Giving To The Marijuana Cause.

    Warren Buffett is donating 31 billion dollars to the Gates foundation. Okay, typical charitable fund. What if he donated that much money to the study of Marijuana. You think that would be a major movement?
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    Lost your Marijuana, who will help?

    One of the funniest incidents I ever observed, involved someone I knew who got the police involved in a marijuana theft. The person was growing it in his garden, the neighbors found out about it, stole it, and then the victim called the police to report the incident. Do you think that victim was...