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  1. chikeeta81

    what strain can this be??!!??!!??

    Please someone help me. We have no clue what strain this is.
  2. chikeeta81

    Outdoor growing in canada

    Can someone please help me. My plants have been budding for about 2 weeks now and i am not sure when they will be ready for harvesting. No clue the strain.
  3. chikeeta81

    Our First Time Growing

    This is mine and my husbands first time growing, and we would like to share our growing with you. We started them by throwing the seeds down in planters and let them do their own thing. We originally had 6 seeds and 4 had sprouted. We are now down to 2 as the other 2 died in the early stage do...
  4. chikeeta81

    When to put in bigger pots????

    We are growing 2 plants and are wondering when to transplant them into bigger pots? Can we do it now? And is there any part of day that is better to do it, as they are both outdoor plants?
  5. chikeeta81

    When Can I tell the sex of my plants?

    I am growing 2 plants outside in my backyard and wanted to know how long til I'll be able to tell the sex of them? In my profile pic is what they look like now. Also is there a way to post the pic on here so it bshows bigger? Thanks