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  1. Missbell81

    Alternative to Bug B Gone?

    Can anyone recommend a cheaper alternative to BBG? Something I can buy in bulk yet is equally or more effective? Thanks in advance.
  2. Missbell81

    AN vs GH

    Looking for some opinions here! I used GH for several years in a small setup w success. Since then I've moved on to a larger scale commercial project and switched to AN. Around 4 wks into bloom I've encountered burnt tips and discolouring but my buds are still developing nicely. I never had...
  3. Missbell81

    New chick

    Hey y'all just joined the forum in hopes to gain and share knowledge regarding the new regs and becoming an LP. Thank you for having me.
  4. Missbell81

    Advice please!

    Hi! New to the forum and looking for a bit of advice.. I'm growing bubba in cocoa, promix, worm castings and purelite in a controlled enviro with no heat or humidity issues. My plants vegged nicely but 2 wks into bloom I noticed burnt tips. Did some research and heard cocoa and reverse osmosis...