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  1. XkushXmanX420

    got questions about growing with soil indoor

    well i got 4 plants all from bagseed. all have sprouted 2 are already pased the first node. i have them in my backyard in pots right now. the soil im using now is some loam and i mixed in some perlite. i got 2 48 inch flouros in my attic and im going to be moving them indoors propably this week...
  2. XkushXmanX420

    outdoor season plan for 09

    well this year im planting 10 bagseeds in my friends backyard woods weve already cleared out a patch of trees and bushes and now were getting ready to dig holes for soil. im germinating as we speak and looking to plant on 4/20. im using 5 headies bagseeds and 5 AZ bagseeds. im not sure when i...
  3. XkushXmanX420


    anyone kno what is a safe amount of vc's to take with either booze or attivan cus i got 2 attivan and 3 vic's? but i was snortin em till i found out that the motrin fucks up your nose and than my friends were all sayin that their noses were burnin but not mine its weird.
  4. XkushXmanX420

    what if your in a car?

    what if your in a car and a statie pulls you over for some bullshit reason, and he asks to search your car, you say no(ofcourse) but he searches it anyway......and finds a dime bag and a quarter in the trunk. now the drivers not drunk but the passengers are shit faced. the report said we had...
  5. XkushXmanX420

    whats the lowest temp.

    hello fellow growers, because of my situation the only place i can grow is on the storage side of the attic, perfect area and i have total freedom of what i can put in there, except as we all know winter is coming quick. and theres no heat in their and it can get awfully cold, although this...
  6. XkushXmanX420

    light cycle

    well im getting a 400 watt. hps with yellow/orange spectrum i believe. im gonna have white rhino and possibly blueberry with tomatoes. cleome's and thats it. im gonna have one big soil bed with ebb & flow system and i was wondering what the photoperiod should be? and watering cycle can anyone...
  7. XkushXmanX420

    white rhino or bubble gum. questions

    well i have 50 to spend on seeds and im not sure weather to go with bubblegum or white rhino, and does anyone know the average height, time it takes, ect. about these. some help would be great
  8. XkushXmanX420

    plant similarities

    what would be some good plants to have under the same light cycle, ect.. im mainly looking into tomatoes and cleome's but should have more cus i need to conceal my lowryders from the naked eye
  9. XkushXmanX420

    vegging with an hps

    do you think i could veg and flower a plant with 400 watter? or do i need flourecents (or cfl's)
  10. XkushXmanX420

    is marijuana a

    is marijuana considered an annual
  11. XkushXmanX420

    what plants to grow

    okay so im starting a new indoor hydro grow and my landlord said i could only grow like 3 plants and the rest have to be look-a-likes and herbs so i was thinking of a cleome but they are all going to be under the same lights same "garden so i need plants the grow similar to marijuana. someone...
  12. XkushXmanX420

    legal bud?

    you see all these legal bud ads but wtf is it? can i get seeds?
  13. XkushXmanX420

    cant tell wich sex

    well i gotta a purple haze bagseed and so far its been doing well except for some weird leaves the sides kind of curl a little bit its weird but even though its only like 8 inches tall theirs leaves comeing out at were the leaf stems start except it doesnt look like pistil or the male plant...
  14. XkushXmanX420

    baby plant. to late

    well long story short about a month or so ago i got a seed from a friend of mines purple haze gram that he bought and i germinated and planted for shits and giggles and its actually growing quit well except i dont have lights or nothing yet and wont for about a month to 2 months and right now...
  15. XkushXmanX420

    window grow?

    since i live in an attic with 2 4ft. by 6ft skylights even though its approaching winter can i still window grow a plant like in the pic.? and when it becomes night for the proper light cycle just put a couple a cfls above it? i wont be able to have my hydroponics and lights for about 2 months...
  16. XkushXmanX420

    hps ballast

    hey guys im new and im shopping for my new hps lights but im confused on how to set it up like whats a ballast and what to i hook it up to a normal lamp?( i know you dont but what?) some help would be very apreciate dim just confused on what to buy and stuff. please and thank you.
  17. XkushXmanX420

    high-pressure sodium floodlight?

    well i was looking for new lights and i saw this and was wondering if i mounted it to the wall or ghetto'd it somehow would i be able to use this? its a 100 watt hps/hid light
  18. XkushXmanX420

    light bulb

    could i use a normal 60 watt lightbulb for my sprout atleast till i get cfl's? cus all i have now is sunlight bu tnot much of it and i wont be getting my cfl's for like a week or two
  19. XkushXmanX420

    plant height

    well my indoor growing space is only about 20" excluding the lights and pot but i was wondering if i stated flowering sooner could i still get bvud only not as much?
  20. XkushXmanX420

    first grow looking into led lights

    well as the title says im on my first grow and since to my knowledge high pressure sodium bulbs and stuff can be expensive so i looked into led lights and i found this High Tech Garden Supply its a mixed red/blue spectrum good for all stages but i was wonder how many do i need per plant...