Search results

  1. im0bama

    Problems with the Iolite

    i got an iolite as a gift from a friend am having problems with the damn thing. - why is it so hard to fill the unit with butane? - even tho butane is odorless, why am i getting a gas-like taste? - the fucking stem or mouthpiece broke off within the first day of using it! Any options on...
  2. im0bama

    What Vaporizer is this?

    Hey whats up? I posted this on another forum, but I haven't gotten any answers so I was wondering if you guys knew... I was on vapirs website late last night and clicked through to this vaporizer but today i cant find any info on it. I tried to google no2 but nothing came up. Anybody have...
  3. im0bama

    Your Thought on Vaporizers?

    Ive been browsing through the boards a little bit and was surprised to see no one was really talking about vaporizers. Granted, the name of the site is Roll it up, but i think alot of you dudes are missing out from the great world of vaporizing I havent officially made the switch yet, but ive...