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  1. Scranny420

    Closet | Garden of Ease | CFL GROW!!!

    Well, this will be my next grow journal, so allow me to start by saying I welcome and appreciate each and every helpful response I get. With that said, onto my grow! 7 Days Old Bagseed Garden of Ease - Rockwool, Silica stone, 4-site DWC system No nutrients picked out yet 4 23w 2700k CFL lights...
  2. Scranny420

    1000w Hydroponic ScrOG

    Hey guys! I plan on growing 16 plants under a 4'x4' screen with a 1000w Hortilux HPS in a SunLeaves Aurora 6 Reflector, Wonder Woman ( seeds, and Dutch Master ONE hydro nutes (Grow=2.0-0.3-3.0 and Flower=1.8-0.5-3.1). I'll be buying all...
  3. Scranny420

    How many plants can I support?

    Hey guys, I'm going to be starting my next grow soon, and I'm interested in ScrOG-ing...I will be making a recirculating hydroponic drip system and it will be under a 1000w Hortilux SuperHPS bulb (150,000 lumens) housed in a Sunleaves Aurora-6 reflector. My question is: How many plants would...
  4. Scranny420

    Mushroom Growth

    Hey, I live in Florida where the humidity's been constantly high (quite like myself) and it's been raining every day (about 6 inches per week). My question is: How many days does it take Cubensis and Copelandia to grow?
  5. Scranny420

    Psilocybin Kill Temperature?

    Hey, tonight my friends and I would like to make ganja/shroom cakes. I've suggested just chopping the shrooms up and mixing them into the icing, but they still want to include the shrooms in the cooking process. Does anyone know the temperature at which psilocybin starts to degrade?
  6. Scranny420

    ¿Marijunana Source?

  7. Scranny420

    "Botanicare Sweet Citrus" and "Final Flush"?

    So I went to my local Horticulture Supply Store today and they gave me samples of FinalFlush and Botanicare Sweet Citrus. I'm just wondering...since I'm about to put my girls into flowering under a 600w HPS from (600w digital ballast, 90,000 lumen bulb, chrome reflector and all...
  8. Scranny420

    400w HPS Canopy Penetration?

    Hey guys, I'm wondering how many inches deep a 400w HPS will penetrate past the upper canopy. I'll probably have a 2'x4' ScrOG setup going under an HTGSupply 400w HPS system. Thanks in advance!
  9. Scranny420

    It's Time To Play "Name That Smell"!!!

    After reading up on supercropping, I decided to pinch and bend over a few of the larger branches in my LST grow. As I was doing this, I started to notice a smell...a sort of smelly smell...a smelly smell that smelled...smelly. The smell reminded me of the best bud I had ever was...
  10. Scranny420

    U.F.O. Light?

    Let me start by saying I've never used LED lights nor do I have any intention of using LED lights, but I am curious as to what people on RIU think about this:
  11. Scranny420

    How Big Is TOO Big?

    I have a vegging lady that I've been training to grow horizontally (LST). Right now, her main stem is about 1.25-ft. long and .5 inches thick. Her lowest branches are about 1-ft. high and about .25 inches thick, and they look like trees of their own (branches are starting to form at the leaf...
  12. Scranny420

    Should I buy this light?

    Ahoy-hoy, fellow green-thumbed...wait...what? Here's the deal: I have a Sam's Club card with about $750 left on it (it was a gift from last far I've only used $250). I was looking around on for CFL's, but I didn't see any that specifically said "6500k" on them...
  13. Scranny420

    2nd Grow -:|:- Three's A Crowd

    Well, my first grow ended up being a male, so I'm going to try again, this time with three of which came from a bag of 'dro. I'm starting them off in 16-oz. cups, and I'd like to try my hand at LST on this grow...I'll be training each of them into a spiral pattern, growing from the...
  14. Scranny420

    Seeds to FL?

    Hey, I know there are people on here from Florida, so I'd like to ask if anyone from Florida (or the southeastern US for that matter) has had consistently good "luck" purchasing seeds from any seed bank. I want to buy seeds but I've never bought seeds online before, so I have no idea what...
  15. Scranny420

    Grow Box Idea

    I want to get you guys' opinions on this idea for a grow box. Space is 2'x2'x2' Lights are 20 x 26w 6500k CFL in 8-inch aluminum reflectors What do you guys think?
  16. Scranny420

    Here We Go Again... (2nd Grow)

    So as it turns out, "Chloe" was actually a "Cole"...yup, he's a dude. It's okay, though...I'm going to make it flower for a while, chop it, stick some roses in there and take it to my homeboy's grave. I guess that means it's time to try again! Now that I've gotten some first-hand experience at...
  17. Scranny420


    Hey everyone! I just noticed these little...things...growing at the base of each branch and I was wondering if these are the famous "preflowers"...and if they are, can you tell me whether this is a male or a female? I know I can just wait a few days and see what becomes of them...heck, for all I...
  18. Scranny420

    Stealth Grow Box

    Hey guys, I'm just looking for a few ideas for a stealth grow box. Let me know ideas you guys have! ~On behalf of CronicBionic
  19. Scranny420

    What are these specks?

    I've seen them on every close-up shot I have, and I was wondering if they're just part of the plant or perhaps something worse... What are those white specks all over the leaves of this plant?
  20. Scranny420

    The Marijuana Conspiracy

    The Marijuana Conspiracy It may be old, but it has a lot of good facts that should be known. Just skip to about 4:20-ish...