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    Major help,need advice

    Alright, im kind of flustered today and kinda fuckin pissed. Now I grew one plant and told a couple of people bout it (fyi I know this was my mistake) and it sprouted, and today while i was at school appearantley cops came to my house while my dad was there, and asked to search the house cuz...
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    thy dillema

    my leaves have turned a bit pale, and got little white strands running through them, what should i do
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    First grow advice

    Alright. So its my first grow and I want to know if im doing things right. I think im growing with schwag seeds that i got from a friend, now based on the picture i need advice on if im doing things right
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    (HELP)how to make heavier buds?

    is there anything i can do to make my buds heavier.i already keep them in a jar in an icebox.but i need to make them heavier. (and lets save the morality lectures for another thread)
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    plant roids

    ok, im a pretty big newb when it comes to growing, but for anyone that can answer this...cant plant steroids or some kind of enhancer make your weed larger?