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  1. B

    Aeroponics checklist

    these are my key elements. the things im paying attention to am i missing anything. and im going to make this more formal and neat when i sober up. so it will be super nice before the actual grow start. which im hoping will be early december tub set up- based upon the...
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    Underground 22x11 Design

    My grow room is approximently going to be 11x22 and id like more info as i plan out my room, its not actualy going to be finished built until like december so i have plenty of time to plan. btw MONEY is not really a factor in this, when i do things i make sure i have the best of the best even...
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    1000w hps question

    what type of area could a single 1000w HPS cover alone? (as in 5x5 4x6???) and with a 6' light mover? and now how about a 600w HPS? and with a 6' light mover and with a 6' light mover and 3' extention, total= 9' my grow room is approximently going to be 11x22 and im considering using 1000w...
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    plant spacing

    I was wondering from experience how far apart everyone places there plants for optimum growth/yeild. i was thinking i would go with 8'' pots side by side.
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    Selecting my weed

    Im still in the design part of my project for my grow room. im having a hard time making my mind up on which strain to get. so ive narrowed down my choices to 6 weeds exile Seeds Direct dot Info. For Great Prices on Quality Seeds jackfrost Seeds Direct dot Info. For Great Prices on Quality...
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    Grow room size

    with something like a 12x20 how many plants could i possible manage in this size room with a SoG setup?
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    Heat helicopters?

    Okay so im thinking about starting a fairly large grow when i move into my new home. somewhere around 64-80 plants and the home is a double wide. now my question is how far into the ground can the IR sensors or cameras detect heat sources? because im thinking about making it underground, similar...