Search results

  1. Ganja.Queen

    Perpetual SOG Experiment - Multi Genetics

    hey there :weed: I’m feeling less paranoid than usual and decided to make a thread, documenting my way through an experiment. After being inspired many moons ago by drbudgreengenes (icmag forums) I always wanted to do a perpetual SOG. It is time. This Guava Fritter seedling was an unplanned...
  2. Ganja.Queen

    GQ's Mini Sea of Green Grow (organic, household LEDs, red solo cups)

    Sup. I used to post regularly on this site...but then I got high. Lol. After paying for trees for a few months and smoking mostly 'ok' stuff that my dealer tries to tell me constantly is 'premo', I decided that I missed growing enough to start back up and will definitely need a perpetual...
  3. Ganja.Queen

    GQ's Perpetual Micro SoG + Outdoor Veggie Grow

    Sup everyone? I was posting here a lot a few months back, but fell off due other things going on in my life. Anyway, I'm looking to get back into the swing of posting and sharing my garden :). This is the grow cab I am using, converted from an ugly old dresser that was about to get put on the...
  4. Ganja.Queen

    Ganja Queen's Stealth Micro Grow

    I used to post on a different name on this site, some of you might recognize who I am, but please keep it secret and just send me a PM :D. First, I want to say that what you see here is definitely not the finished product. I'm impatient by nature so I will be acquiring most of what I need as I...