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  1. maluco420

    Check Out Some Of My Art Work Let me know what you guys think:bigjoint:
  2. maluco420

    Good day to all

    Whats up all i am having the best morning ever:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:, i ate 1g of shrooms and a couple of beers and some great pot and its sunny out side and such a beautiful day i got some great reggae playing i love it, so if you are having:-P a bom ass day tooooo:-P bump this...
  3. maluco420

    Finished product on first grow

    So i ben curing the buds for a week and the but is not bad at all for my first grow i really didnt expect much but it came out decent i got a total yield of 20g for the 2 plants :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: here is some pics O the pictures i have less then 20g cuz i use some...
  4. maluco420

    I cut her today first grow

    So i chopped both of my plants here are some pics of them hanging Cant wait to smoke them up
  5. maluco420

    Almost time to cut her down (good pics)

    Whats up all so this is my first grow and i been flowering for about 10 weeks now and wanted to get a second opinion on if i should cut them now are in like 2 weeks i checked the trichomes and they look half milky and half amber Let me know what you guys think here are some pics
  6. maluco420

    Need some help (pictures avalible)

    I am first time grower and i am on my sixth week of flowering and my bottom leafs are turning yellow and dying i am thinking its either salt build up or i am low in nitrogen can someone tell me if i am correct and give me some tips in how i can make it better My ph is 5.5 Let me know if you...
  7. maluco420

    check it out

    Took some acid today and came up with this let me know what you guys think:mrgreen: hope you guys like it :peace:bongsmilie
  8. maluco420

    GOOD Movies to wach wile on psychedelics

    Any body can recommend any good movies to watch wile tripping? These are the ones i got, some of them are cool sixties movies Babarella Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas The Wall Yellow Submarine Wizard of OZ with dark side of the moon playing in the back ground Psych- out Easy Rider Hemi-sync...
  9. maluco420


    Any body here doing any thing crazy for Halloween? me and a couple of friends are doing some acid and going to wonder around the streets check out every body's costumes it should be crazy.:bigjoint:we also are getting my house all set up so when the kids come to trick or treat we going to scare...
  10. maluco420

    Question On DMT

    So i just picked up some acid and i was talking with my friend the guy i get it from and he can get me DMT i was just wondering how many of you have experimented with it? and how was it?how much does it usually cost?how much do you usually smoke to get a good high out of it? I have done acid...
  11. maluco420

    First Timer grow report

    Whats up all So i am growing for the first time let me know what you guys think here are some pictures:weed: i am open to any opinions, started to flower (12/12 light) on the 10/05/08 I got a question to you all, how much bud do you think i will get from these 2 plants? The soil i am using...
  12. maluco420

    Wizard OF OZ And Dark Side of the Moon

    So took some Acid this week end and watched wizard of oz with dark side of the moon playing and it was crazy cool:bigjoint: i definitely recommend watching that on Psychedelics :-P:-P:-P
  13. maluco420

    Love FEST

    Just thought i share went to love fest yesterday and did some acid i was tripping balls, had a blast figure i share some pics with you all this party is something everyone should experience it was nuts dj's all over the place i say at least 20 Djs playing all at the same time it was crazy, hope...
  14. maluco420

    opinion on LSD

    I have noticed that there is a lot of shroom people on this forum what is you guys opinion on Acid how bad do some of you believe LSD to be? i my opinion its probably my second favorite drug and amazing so many doors to be opened in your mindlol,just wondering you guys opinion on this...
  15. maluco420

    Just took some good acid

    Just took this hit like 1hr ago man, out of 1 hit i am pretty fucked up i am amazed lol :weed::weed::weed:
  16. maluco420

    How often is to often

    Whats up all just wondering you guys opinion on how often is to often to be doing psychedelics? (shrooms,acid, etc):joint:
  17. maluco420

    Took some acid saturday

    Men i went camping with a friend on this lake by my house and took 3 hits of acid and my friend took 2 and a half man i had so much fun me and him could not stop laughing to the point that i thought i was crying because there was so much tears coming out of my eyes lol and we would go inside my...
  18. maluco420

    Trippy Stuff

    Check out some of the stuff i designed wile tripping on some Acid :bigjoint:hope you guys like it
  19. maluco420

    LSD (ACID) stories share

    Whats up all i am new to the board love what i been reading. Just wanted to share with all lately been getting some great acid been having a blast, went to this 3 day camp out i was frying for 3 days, probably the best trip ever started by taking some E them took about 6 hits of acid for the...