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    BioCanna vs. Canna Aqua: Definitive response from Canna

    In trying to decide whether to use one or the other of these products, I asked Canna if they could explain the differences in terms of EC and the amounts necessary to achieve the same concentrations. If you aren't familiar, BioCanna is about twice as expensive as Aqua per liter and little...
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    BioCanna vs. Canna Aqua: Definitive response from Canna

    In trying to decide whether to use one or the other of these products, I asked Canna if they could explain the differences in terms of EC and the amounts necessary to achieve the same concentrations. If you aren't familiar, BioCanna is about twice as expensive as Aqua per liter and little...
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    Bagseed Conniption Fit

    Okay, I just finished building my indoor grow system a couple of months ago and to test the setup I used some bagseed from middies. I can't even begin to describe to you the frustration that I've experienced in trying to cultivate this stuff. Every aspect of this grow has been scrutinized until...
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    MG Organic Choice Soil WTF?

    For a couple of weeks now I've been pouring over all of the plant problem troubleshooters to try and figure out why my babies are steadily starting to die. With the exception of certain maladies, the symptoms are undifferentiable. So, please, if anyone knows what's happening, there isn't much...
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    Mother Technique

    What techniques have you found to be most successful in maintaining a mother? This question applies to lighting, nutes, watering, mediums, training, temp, ventilation, CO2, et cetera, etc...
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    Mum chamber minimum height.

    I'm trying to decide how much of my grow cabinet height to devote to the mum chamber. How tall do you usually let your mums get? I'd like to cultivate them bonsai style, so would 12" from floor to fluoros work?
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    How much CO2/W of light do plants need?

    Does anyone have any thoughts on using a sealed and cooled space that doesn't vent externally? CO2 would be artificially supplied, but how much? Does anyone know a plant's rate of respiration?
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    Resvr. pump night cycle.

    In an active sprayer hydro setup, does anyone have recommendations or commentary on cycling the sprayer pump during the night cycle? If the pump goes off with the light, will the roots dry out? If so, how often should the roots be sprayed while not under metabolic load?
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    CO2 Only?

    Does anyone know if there is anything else in air that plants need, other than CO2 and water vapor?
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    Aluminum or Stainless Res Tanks: Pros/Cons?

    I like the opacity and thermal properties that a metal res. tank would offer, but I'm wondering if there would be any adverse effects or reactions to the nutes solution and/or roots system.
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    Vegging with GrowBright HPS

    I'm planning on using a 600W GrowBright HPS in my flowering chamber. The bulb claims to produce 30% more blue spectrum than standard HPS. So, my question is, do you think this bulb will work well enough to vedge and flower or do you think it's worth it to have a separate MH for vedge? BTW, I'll...
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    HPS Bulbs, Does price/brand diff = perf diff?

    You've all scrolled through the plethora of different bulbs and seen their various claims about performance. Who's tried what and how did it work out for you? Any recommendations?
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    Digital Greenhouse Lights, Good Value or Not?

    I was looking at these lights at HTG and they seem pretty reasonably priced compared to some of the other units out there. Does anyone know if they are good quality or not?
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    Digital vs. Magnetic Ballasts, Any Comments?

    I'm still considering what type of ballast to get and would like to know what the community at large has to say about it. Is it worth the extra money? Is the digital technology reliable? Do they really burn bulbs brighter?
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    How much light is too much?

    Hello Y'all, this is my first post. I've been poking around on the net for a couple of weeks now trying to figure out the appropriate amount of light for a ~4sqft SOG space. Some recommendations have ranged between 35~70watts/sqft. Cooling is not an issue and I would like to maximize performance...