Search results

  1. Agent 47

    Did I Effectively Raise My Ph?

    My soil runoff was ~5.5, when tested with 7.0 water. I then flushed the soil with water that had a pH of 8.0, and measured the runoff at 6.8 pH. My question is, have I effectively raised my pH, or have I messed it up by watering with pH so high? I have a big bag of lime, and didn't realize...
  2. Agent 47

    Outdoor Flowering Leaves Twisting And Pointing Up (Heat Stress?)

    I've been dealing with borers the last couple days, and after a hard fought battle I came out on top. Now there's a new mystery to solve. :confused: Location: Outdoor Flowering: ~ Day 33 Growing Medium: Organic Soil (Peat, Perlite, EWC) Nutrients: All water until flowering, nutrients supplied...
  3. Agent 47

    Borer Problem

    I'm getting severely attacked by Borers. Their boring into the stem of my plants and killing each branch. I picked up Bonide: Eight Insect Control. It's active ingredient is permethrin. The problem is, the borers are already inside the stem, I don't see how this is going to help? I need...
  4. Agent 47

    Some Type of Stem Tremor

    I'm 26 days into outdoor flowering, and I'm having an insect problem. Details: Outdoor - Organic Soil 7g Pots The plants have had their leaves sprayed with diluted neem oil a week or so before flowering, and a week into flowering. I've started seeing these brown worms, I crushed them all...
  5. Agent 47

    Tremors!!! (Stem Burrowing Insect)

    I'm 26 days into outdoor flowering, and I'm having an insect problem. Details: Outdoor - Organic Soil 7g Pots The plants have had their leaves sprayed with diluted neem oil a week or so before flowering, and a week into flowering. I've started seeing these brown worms, I crushed them all...
  6. Agent 47

    Top Dressing Potassium?

    What do you think is the best way to add Potassium after your plants have been potted for a while. I'm not currently lacking K, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the chance of needing to add some during flowering. It's outdoor organic garden. Here's a link to my Grow Log for more...
  7. Agent 47

    Agent 2010 Organic Outdoor

    2010 Organic Outdoor Medical Grow Base Soil Mix: Peat Moss, Perlite, Earthworm Castings. Nutrients: Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Kelp Meal, Greensand, Fermented Plant Extracts, Liquid Karma, Fish Emulsion. Miscellaneous: Mycorrhizae Innoculants (My favorite "secret") May 4-10 (Seedling)...
  8. Agent 47

    Projected Yield

    How much would one expect to yield from these plants. They are all females and I believe they are of the Sativa strain. The is approximately 175-200 female Cannabis Sativa plants at an average of 5'5". There are two plants over 6'. They started flowering about 10 days ago. There is an average of...
  9. Agent 47

    Projected Yield

    How much would one expect to yield from these plants. They are all females and I believe they are of the Sativa strain. The is approximately 175-200 female Cannabis Sativa plants at an average of 5'5". There are two plants over 6'. They started flowering about 10 days ago. There is an average of...