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  1. Dribbles

    Thick, creamy egg mayonaise cracked!

    Okay it's not the edibles section, but this's not an edible canna product. First time I tried whisking-up mayo, it turned oit alright, but more like a sauce, and I added way too many flavours to it. Second time, it was thicker, but not very creamy. Third time was the charm, it appears. Figure...
  2. Dribbles

    This Saturday - Fertilzer day woo!

    I don't know how other people feel about feeding day, but I love it: Probably just knowijg thst it's been a few weeks and they'll love the feedong they'll get? Or maybe it's knowimg once I'm done, I get to watch the green flush of new growth thst always follows a few days later? Or maybe it's...
  3. Dribbles

    The World of Warcraft Panda pub theme

    So I'm sittin here when that chopsticky tune starts playing in my head, and I thought: Mm wouldn't mind reactivating. Sadly, last time i went to do that, Blizzard wanted me to call their offices - evidently my account must've been deactivated from not renewing my sub for so long, and I just...
  4. Dribbles

    Neem is good shit

    So I can pretty much just spray this as often as I want with zero ramifications to my plants huh? I've sprayed a few times this week, and not only are white-flies down to pathetic numbers now while catapillers seem to be gone completely or no longer eating my leaves anyhow, but no bugs have...
  5. Dribbles

    Server errors every few posts

    Every hoir or so I'd say, I am getting a server message that rollotup is down, or a 524 time-out error. It gives me some CloudWhatever cached "snapshot" but that 5xx errors-out thr first link you press. Happens very regularly. Regular enough to annoy me into making a thread about it, certainly!
  6. Dribbles

    To those who think transplanting to large pots isn't very useful..

    This was meant to be the before/after for another thread for the new cert. Organic seaweed fert I got, but I couldn't resist giving it to both of these two "test" tomatoes and as it's turned-out, both these two (Tomato O: Left and Tomato I: Right) have been fed from the same bucket of slop at...
  7. Dribbles

    Oh how I pity the non-gardeners.

    And us for having to try and explain it to em. How many other people live with someone who couldn't care less about a living laboratory like a garden? .. I've tried explaining the err high-lights and/or key events as they happen but after about the sixth shrug, I just stopped bothering.
  8. Dribbles

    What Santa brought for the plants to share

    Just what they've been begging and hassling me all year for! A change to 100% Certified Organic, pure Seaweed extract! 800L worth at that.
  9. Dribbles

    Home-made Honey & Lemon Mustard! Supermarkets, suck it!

    Not only home "made", but home made from the seeds I grew myself. I harvested it finally the afternoon: been watching the pods waiting for thr majority to dry out, and today they looked as though leaving any longer would mean having the sucker drop half her seeds back onto the garden...
  10. Dribbles

    Cloth shopping bags as pots?

    Has anyone tried using those cloth supermarket shopping baggs as pots? I've got a bunch of seedlings that will need transplanting in a few months, and wondered whether anyone's tried the reusable shopping bags. I'm talking about the ones thst fold flat, but look square when they're opened-up...
  11. Dribbles

    While I'm here, I actually havea. Question for a change ;)
