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  1. dopedragon

    Fire hazard concerns with legal grow ops in BC This story is ridiculous, maybe they should start regulating home aquarium and entertainment setups as well. Who knows the alterations people make when mounting their LCD's to the wall. Maybe...
  2. dopedragon

    Sexing clones question

    I'm curious, do we really need to grow the clone up a week or so before trying to flower it just to determine sex? Can I just simply cut the clone stick it in a medium and bury it up so its supported and watch for sex? I personally think if this would work it would save time by just quickly...
  3. dopedragon

    430w son-agro, supposed to be brighter?

    Just swapped from a 250w HPS to 430w son-agro, 250w is blinding bright, the 430w is not bright at all, higher blue spectrum maybe, but that's it... Anyone know if that's whats to be expected? Asked the guy at the store i got them, he says buy a light meter and check, I get the feeling I should...
  4. dopedragon

    attitdude seed review by a newbie canadian

    Hello all, Just want to start off by saying, and after a few weeks of reading the forum, you guys do a damn good here. I'm sorry if this sounds stereo typical but I would expect better forums and faqs from a Canadian site. But you know how it goes "when you assume, you make an ass of u and...