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  1. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    Anyone here use google wallet? I have Google Wallet enabled with NFC on my nexus 5 and just yesterday I received my physical Google Wallet Card. Just checking out to see, how many people even know of how handy it can be. I will post a picture of how the card looks like soon.
  2. fonsi


    Im just looking for information on DMT. Whether youve tried it, heard of it, seen it. General thread on DMT.
  3. fonsi

    Uruguay legalizes marijuana trade!

    As a proud member of this small south american nation I would like to present to you all, the beginning of the end of prohibition. "Uruguay became the first country to legalize the growing, sale and smoking of marijuana on Tuesday, a pioneering social experiment that will be closely watched by...
  4. fonsi

    T-Vape. Anyone heard of, seen it or used it?

    Hey everyone. The vape I am referring to is this one: I picked this up from my LHS about two weeks ago. I went in for the Pax which was priced at $260 and instead walked out with the T-Vape for $150. I have used it a few times since I got it and...