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  1. flabbyone

    Misinformation on curing in post in Hydro

    Yes, I do know that there is a place for this post and this ain't it, but because there is a problem with some info in an otherwise very good thread, rather then argue with the author, I am posting, at least in my opinion, a correction to curing your harvest. The statement, which was made...
  2. flabbyone

    Did I over super crop or what? big bush

    I tried super cropping on a couple of my buddies plants. I bent the branches to all the same height so the plants all fit nicely under the light and non were burned. I have about 30 tops growing from each plant. I have used many ways of cropping in the past, but this was just too easy and I...
  3. flabbyone

    What is wrong with Hermi plants???

    I have been around marijuana most of my life and I am an old fart, just check my info. I know what a hermi is and that hermis are used to make fem seeds and all, but I see people about to have heart failure when they find a hermi plant. I never let it bother me too much and usually, you only...
  4. flabbyone

    Anyone know anything about this software for growing?

    I found this software when doing a search to find some software to run timers rather then going out and purchasing seperate timers for each pump. I found some growing software that I downloaded the free 30 day eval copy and have been playing with. It seems awesome but I have not tried to...
  5. flabbyone

    Problem loading a thread

    :eyesmoke:I am having a problem loading a thread. It is "Grow a pound in three weeks" to which I am subscribed but am no longer able to see anything. Did I do something to ignore this posting or what happened? I don't think I did anything offensive to anyone, but who knows. How do I correct...
  6. flabbyone

    grafting question

    I have not done a graft before and all I know is that it is possible to do and have a general idea of how to do it. Not only that, but this is grafting a sick plant so I am not sure what to do here. I have a buddy who is growing more or less under my instruction. (It is a long story why I...
  7. flabbyone

    silver in res tanks?

    Back in the day when we were crossing this great country our forefathers used a couple of silver dollars in their water barrels as a natural antibiotic to keep the water good and make it safe to drink. After awhile, those old wooden barrels would pick up the silver and the whole barrel would...
  8. flabbyone

    7 out of 8 male what went wrong?

    :joint::confused: Hi ya'll. As you may know a friend is growing his first ever hydroponic grow. He and I have both grown in soil, indoors and out with great success, but this baffles us both. He planted his usual hybrid seed that usually produces 80% female plants in soil. These plants were...
  9. flabbyone

    Throwing good water away?

    Hi all, I took a reading on the water from my dehumidifier and came up with a PPM of 40-44. I cleaned it out, set it on a small stand to drain into a clean pail, took another PPM reading on what came out and came up with a PPM of 28-22. It is very humid here in the summer and I have to run...
  10. flabbyone

    Least Frequently Asked Questions ????

    This friend of mine reminds me of the three stooges and he is all three. I have helped him try to find info on different things as he attempted to grow his first hydroponic grow. This, along with any questions or problems answers you all want to throw out there could be called the LFAQ or...
  11. flabbyone

    What does it all mean!

    :bigjoint::leaf:I am writing for a friend who is new to Hydroponics, but like a lot of people, we have been reading about it and have a basic understanding. He just purchased a Hanna Primo TDS Meter with automatic temp control. (I just read in another thread that TDS is loosing it's following...