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  1. OriginalBongster

    Bagseed Plant Week 3. Male? or Too Early?

    Hey everyone so this plant sprouted on April 3rd, been growing them under 135W of fluorescents light cycle 24hours. The nutes I used on the soil when I planted them was shultz plant food from walmart. Now one of my plants looks like its developing pollen sacs. which is fucking wierd considering...
  2. OriginalBongster

    Drip BUbblePonics canoeing/blackening leaves(pics)

    Setup: -2 33w flourescents -3 27w CFLs -18gal Tub -150gph water pump on 24/7 atm -12/12 light cycle -fan 12/12 -jungle bloom 20-20-20 nutes always been using half strengh Age of Plants: about 3 months 2 weeks The symptoms: at first the leaves started cupping/curling/canoeing...
  3. OriginalBongster

    What nutes should i buy for my seedlings?

    the title says it. i know i shouldve checked around but my search isnt working. anything i type comes up with no results. but what kind of nutes should i use for dwc bubbleponics? -1gallon fish tank(i know its small this is my first bubbleponics setup though) any help is greatly appreciated thanks!
  4. OriginalBongster

    12/12 vs 18/6 for veg

    if you switch the plants to 18/6 for veg instead of 12/12 would the plants grow faster? which photoperiod is better?
  5. OriginalBongster

    how to tell if its male or female?

    whens the earliest you can tell and how do you tell?
  6. OriginalBongster

    Move your plants to bigger pots

    For anyone wondering when they should replant their seedlings into bigger pots, i replanted mine six days after they sprouted. If your seedling is starting to turn yellowish and the growth is slowing down, that is when you should move it to a bigger pot. my biggest plant is just under 5" tall...
  7. OriginalBongster

    leaves getting yellowish sections also when should replant?(pics)

    plants are just less than a week old, the first one sprouted last friday, havent checked the ph level and the pots are about 3.5 inches wide and just under 4 inches tall the tallest seedling is 4 inches tall and the shortest one is about 2". when should they be replanted to bigger pots? also...
  8. OriginalBongster

    leaves getting yellowish sections also when should replant?(pics)

    plants are just less than a week old, the first one sprouted last friday, havent checked the ph level and the pots are about 3.5 inches wide and just under 4 inches tall the tallest seedling is 4 inches tall and the shortest one is about 2". when should they be replanted to bigger pots? also...