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  1. wheezy e


    Hey RIU, I'm deep into getting my perpetual SOG going, and I've been wrangling with what looks like nute burn AND nitrogen deficiency. It can't very well be both is my thinking. my soil's runoff is about 450ppm, so the burn doesn't make sense, and then again, the deficiency doesn't make sense...
  2. wheezy e

    Did my seedling come in upside down?!

    Hey Rollers, I have this one girl come up out of the jiffy pellet, but without leaves. i'm assuming this is the root and i need to do something asap. any suggestions? I have NO CLUE what to do!
  3. wheezy e

    How Early Can I Clone?

    Hey guys, I have some photos of a Strawberry Cough, a Sage & Sour and a Thunderbud. They're starting to get tall (after about two weeks from seedling), but I don't want to start cutting into them before they're ready, especially since this is my first attempt at cloning. I get the feeling...